Captain Tom Moore – Kind readers send hero ‘get well soon’ messages as he battles Covid in hospital

HUNDREDS of kind-hearted messages continue to pour in from Sun readers to wish Captain Tom Moore a speedy recovery.

The 100-year-old war veteran, who was awarded a knighthood by the Queen for raising millions for the NHS, was admitted to hospital in Bedford at the weekend after struggling with his breathing.

Follow our Captain Tom Moore live blog for all the latest updates on the national hero.

James Fairley, six, from Northamptonshire would like to send his best wishes his picture of Captain Tom on his motorbike

Since then, the fundraising hero has been inundated with cards, pictures and video messages.

One reader performed an incredible piano rendition of ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ for Captain Tom.

Steve Mansfield wrote alongside his performance: “Captain Sir Tom Moore we’re all behind you”.

If you’d like to send a message, email [email protected] with your full name and town and we will pass them to Tom as he recovers in hospital.

Annabelle Crane, five, from Sheffield drew a lovely picture for Captain Tom

Here are some of the lovely messages readers have sent him so far:

Dear Captain Sir Tom,
It’s come as a shock to us all that you are now in hospital with your breathing problems and pneumonia, as well as that dreadful virus. Many of us see you as invincible, which is an unfair challenge to leave at your door!  
I wish you a speedy recovery, however, so you can continue to put smiles on our faces as the nation’s favourite grandad and spent more time with your own loving family.  
May God grant you a good few years ahead and keep you safe as a role model for the rest of us!
Tricia Stewart, Bethnal Green, London.

Sisters Eloisa, 9 and Genevieve Matthews, 6 , from Mortimor, Reading, said: “Get well soon Captain Tom. thank you for everything you’ve done for our NHS, keep fighting

Get well soon Captain Tom. Stay strong
Love from the Duggies, Frodsham, Cheshire

Dear Sir Tom, 
I would like to send you my best wishes on a full recovery from this awful Covid 19. You are such a lovely person, who has helped so many, courageous and strong willed. 
Love to you xxx 
Iris Rogers, Tamworth, Staffs 

We as a family would like to wish Captain Tom all our love and best wishes for a full recovery. Your family Tom, like yourself, are in our prayers and thoughts.
Best wishes, Karen Dymek.

Oscar (10) and Noah(8) Webb, from Bromsgrove, Worcs, with the cards they made for Sir Tom

God bless you, Tom. Loads of love, Pat and the Gapper family, from Caerphilly, South Wales 

Captain Tom – You have been such an inspiration to all of us at such a hard time for everyone.
You have shown positivity and hope in an extraordinary way and this is something we can all learn from. You are in our prayers.
“Tomorrow will be a good day”.
Sending love, Gail Spelman, Manchester

Dear Sir Captain Tom 

My name is Lesley Morris,  myself and my family all love you very much, you are one of the most incredible, amazing, bravest and strong people from our Country, an inspiration to us all.
We are all very sorry to hear that you are in hospital with this awful covid virus.
We send you all the love and very best wishes in the whole wide world.
Love you loads
From Lesley, Pete and all the Family

Every morn brought forth a noble chance.
And every chance brought forth a noble knight like you Captain Tom,
Who deserves our gratitude, as do all the brave men and women who, in so many ways and on so many occasions, are ready, and continue ready to give life and all for their native land.
We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in the Intensive care wards.

We shall fight in the stores and our care homes, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the each other, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be.
 We shall fight in the laboratories, we shall fight in the hospitals, we shall fight ourselves to stay off the fields and in the streets.

 We shall fight in the political front and we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and dying of Covid, then our fellow Britain’s beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Ideals and history, would carry on the struggle, until, in God’s good time, a new vaccine, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

Keep buggering on, Captain, that’s an order!
Martin S Seare

Hi Tom,
I was so sorry to hear of your illness with Covid and wanted to add my best wishes to those of the rest of the nation for your speedy recovery!!
You inspired us all with your fantastic fundraising for the NHS and made us all proud to be British, during very difficult times and were deservedly rewarded by the Queen.
Our prayers are with you and I am sure everybody wishes you well. God bless.
Yours sincerely,
Graham D. Short