Donald Trump says he ‘loves’ the Queen – but blasts Boris Johnson for going ‘too liberal’ and backing wind power

DONALD Trump has said he “loves” the Queen – but has blasted Boris Johnson for being too “liberal” for backing wind power.

The former US President spoke of his affection for the monarch in an interview with Nigel Farage, in which he also took aim at Meghan Markle and Prince Harry.

Donald Trump said he loved the Queen

The former President said the pair once ‘talked all night’

During their conversation, Farage mentioned the 95-year-old Queen had been ill to which he replied: “Hopefully not very ill though. I’ve been watching it very closely because I love her.”

Trump then went on the reveal that his affection was handed down from his Scottish mum.

“She was really somebody that respected the queen, she loved the Queen,” he told the former UKIP leader.

“Anything with the queen when they were doing anything ceremonial as an example, she’d be glued to the television, but she had great respect and love for the queen.”

He then recalled a meeting he had with the Queen in which “we talked all night”.

“I was supposed to spend like half an hour with her, I ended up being there for much more than an hour and everyone said, oh, that’s so rude.”

He said “she liked it and I liked it, I’m not going to be rude. And we had a great time together”.

“We then had an evening with the likes of which you rarely would see, and I think she really, she was laughing and smiling,” he said, during an interview with GB TV.

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“We get along great. We talked the whole night. She is a great, wonderful woman.”

Farage turned the subject to green energy and mentioned that the PM wants the UK to be the “Saudi Arabia of wind” took a swipe at the man he backed in the Tory leadership race in 2019.

The former President started by slamming a “disgusting” wind farm built near one of the golf courses he owns in the north east of Scotland, before turning his fire on the PM.

“Boris is wrong, if he’s, if he’s going heavy into wind. He’s gone a little bit on the more liberal side,” he said.

Trump once thanked Johnson for his “friendship” and despite having a dim view of his pal’s fondness for windfarms said: “I like him. I like him.

“I get along with him. I’ve always gotten along with him”.

He also used the interview to blast the Duchess of Sussex, who he has publicly criticised in the past.

“I’m not a fan of hers. I wasn’t from day one,” he said.

“I think she’s very disrespectful to the Royal Family and most importantly to the Queen.”

Trump then said that “Harry’s been used and been used terribly” and that “think someday he will regret it” before adding: “He probably does already.”

Trump said the PM has gone a bit too ‘liberal’ for his liking

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