EastEnders’ Mick Carter – played by Danny Dyer – threatens to kill himself in heartbreaking storyline on New Year’s Eve

EASTENDERS favourite Mick Carter will contemplate suicide in heartbreaking scenes in the new year, The Celeb Report can reveal.

Mick, played by Danny Dyer, 43, will decide he has no other option but to end his life.

EastEnders favourite Mick Carter – played by Danny Dyer – will contemplate suicide in heartbreaking scenes in the new year

Viewers have watched as the former landlord of the Queen Vic has become increasingly despondent — experiencing panic attacks and mental health problems because of sexual abuse he experienced as a child.

In the New Year’s Eve episode, things spiral further for Mick, who will be seen calling charity Samaritans in his lowest moment.

BBC bosses have worked closely with the organisation — as well as the NSPCC and Survivors UK — making sure the story shows the true effect that abuse can have on survivors’ state of mind.

A source said: “It’s something that the writers have worked on for a long time and very sensitively.

Viewers have watched as the former landlord of the Queen Vic has become increasingly despondent — experiencing panic attacks and mental health problems

“Mick feels he has no other option and contemplates suicide. It will be a tough but important watch.”

Things have worsened for Mick since his abuser Katy Lewis arrived in Walford and continued to manipulate him.

Viewers have seen Katy, played by Simone Lahbib, 55, distorting Mick’s memories, convincing him she was a friend and care worker.

Struggling to come to terms with the truth, Mick has alienated his family, burying the memories of what happened to him.

EastEnders’ executive producer Jon Sen said: “This storyline is such a vital one for EastEnders to portray.

Struggling to come to terms with the truth, Mick has alienated his family, burying the memories of what happened to him

“We’ve worked closely with the NSPCC and Survivors UK since the inception of this story.

“As viewers have watched Mick struggle to come to terms with the truth of what happened to him as a child, we were determined to show the brutal reality and effects that abuse can cause.

“Working with the Samaritans has been invaluable to ensure that Mick’s story is true to life and they’ve been a huge support, offering guidance throughout the process.

Things have worsened for Mick since his abuser Katy Lewis arrived in Walford and continued to manipulate him

“Danny gives an incredible performance and we hope his portrayal of Mick’s trauma will help dispel the stigma that survivors are often burdened with.”

Samaritans’ Lorna Fraser said: “Suicide is not inevitable and just having someone there to listen, without judgment, can help save a life.

“We have been pleased to work with EastEnders giving expert advice on Mick Carter’s story as it’s a chance to explore some of the issues surrounding suicide in a sensitive and considered way.”

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