Expert shares her daily cleaning tasks to avoid them piling up – and you’ll never have to deep clean ever again

CLEAN a little each day and let your weekends be weekends again.

With the six simple tasks shared by cleaning expert Lynsey Crombie, you can stay up-to-date with housekeeping and you’ll never waste your Saturdays deep cleaning again.

Crombie suggests to vacuum each day to keep up with tasks
Crombie suggests vacuuming each day to keep up with tasks

Throw a load of laundry in each day to avoid weekend pile-up

The Queen of Clean, as she is known by many, is also the best-selling author of the book The 15-Minute Clean, where she explains how cleaning up for just 15 minutes each day will keep your home neat and tidy.

And now, she has shared her effortless six-step routine, which will keep your house sparkling all week long.


She suggests starting off the day by making your bed – and notice how your room will instantly look more put-together (plus it’ll keep you from climbing back under the covers).


Next, you’ll want to throw in a load of laundry each day to avoid massive piles of dirty clothes during the weekend.

You can designate each day of the week for different types of items.

For example, on Mondays, you can tackle activewear, Tuesdays are for pajamas, Wednesdays for your business casual, and Thursdays for blankets/towels.

You’ll never have to worry about rushing to wash your clothes.


After you’re done with the laundry, the third thing to tackle is the toilet.

Grab your toilet brush and clean the bowl before going to bed to avoid scrubbing bigger messes (and it only takes a few seconds to complete).

Crombie previously cleaned her toilet by simply tossing an Astonish Toilet Bowl Fizz & Fresh Tab in the bowl.


The fourth thing to tackle is vacuuming.

Vacuum your common area floors at the end of the day, especially if you have kids, to clean up any crumbs, dust, or dog hair that might be laying around.


The penultimate thing to do is clean kitchen surfaces at the end of the day.

After each meal, clean off all surfaces using disinfectant to leave your counters squeaky-clean and avoid any creeper crawlers from invading your space.


And last but not least, before bed, quickly tidy up around the house by putting away any toys, games, clothes, books, or dishes that might have been left out from the day.

As a trick, Crombie suggests using baskets and laundry hampers to store kids’ toys and other household items.

Now that your house is spotless, don’t forget to make your home smell great too with simple household items, such as baking soda, vodka, oranges, and your favorite essential oils.

Make your bed first thing in the morning for an instantly tidy space

Disinfect countertops between meals

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