How ‘manipulative’ Meghan’s changing signature shows she’s become ‘defensive’ & ‘unsociable’, says handwriting expert

MEGHAN  Markle and Prince Harry today waded into the devastating Afghanistan crisis and described the world as “exceptionally fragile” in an open letter on their Archewell website.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex both signed the letter, in which they admit they had been left “speechless”, with their signatures – and eagle eyed royal fans may have noticed a difference in Meg’s penmanship.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex signed their names at the bottom of their open letter about the Afghanistan crisis

The signature Meghan left today showed clear differences from this one she left in July 2018

Handwriting analyst Tracey Trussell says that Meg’s changing writing style says a lot about her personality

According to handwriting analyst Tracey Trussell her changing style reveals a lot about Meghan’s personality.

Speaking exclusively to Fabulous Digital, Tracey reveals the meaning behind Meg’s scrawl from a desire to be genuine to her ‘manipulative’ side.

Analysing her latest signature Tracey says: “Here Meghan is careful not to make her name larger than Harry’s – whether that’s by design or unintentional, we can’t know, but it means she’s trying not to overshadow her husband.  She’s happy to share an equal platform with him.  

We’ve got some mixed messages going on here.  The paradox is that she wants you to believe her intentions are altruistic and humanitarian (under magnification the long downstroke stem of the letter ‘g’ flicks to the right), but the much more closely spaced letters (in her name) and the long extended end stroke are both effective ways of keeping people at arm’s length and not letting anyone get too close.  

This is a defensive gesture designed to ward off people or danger. It seems she gives with one hand and takes with the other.  

All her small letters on the baseline used to be more widely spaced, revealing a much greater need to be sociable – to interact and get on with others.  The closer the letters, the more inhibited the writer and the more inner tension going on.  This tells us that Meghan has become more introverted, and dependent on her husband and close circle of friends. 

The long, thready letter ‘n’, combined with an outstretched end stroke, uncovers Meghan’s absolute need for personal space without constraints and reflects her strong basic instinct for self-preservation.   

It also discloses how difficult she is to be around, how manipulative she can be, and how she wouldn’t hesitate to do exactly what suits her, even going as far as to sever all ties and disappearing – twisting away from any unpleasantness and worming her way out of trouble.  

The thready quality represents charm and diplomacy, which is how she sugar-coats her behaviour.  

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More positively, it reveals how capable Meghan is of dealing with any situation.  She’s an enterprising opportunist, who refuses to pander to people.  She makes up the rules as she goes along.   

There is one other significant change in Meghan’s new style of signature.  The loop of the ‘g’ is squeezed a little more tightly, and now a taller, loopier ‘h’ stem has appeared, so the overall impression is of a finely balanced vertical ‘bow’.  

This tells us that warm feelings of empathy have diminished, and instead she’s become much more selective of friends. At the same time, she knows her own mind and will think through and consider her options carefully.  

Meghan will always want to make decisions on her terms, and she’s keen to convey that she’s still the diligent perfectionist who will get a job done.   

Meghan is trying to find a balance in her life and taking pride in her family and achievements. But interestingly, she finds she works well under pressure and enjoys the challenge that difficulties provide.  Does she embrace jeopardy? 

We’ve still got the strong right slant on the emotional barometer, so emotional responsiveness remains high (even though it’s controlled), and Meghan still wants and needs to express herself in one way or another.  

Her trademark embellished capital M remains the same.  So she still seems to need some props.  Family provides an essential root for her security and stability.”   

Find out more about Tracey’s work on her website or follow her on Instagram.

Meg’s scrawl suggests that she can be “manipulative” according to Tracey

‘Fragile’ Meghan and Harry released their open letter on their Archewell website today as they waded in on the Afghanistan crisis

In other royal news, we told you how Meg’s half brother Thomas begged for end to family feud and says she’s only a royal thanks to her dad.

We shared how Meghan Markle’s estranged half-brother wins celebrity boxing bout and dedicates win to Duchess of Sussex and baby Archie.

And Thomas Markle Jnr previously said he hoped Meghan’s new baby would heal the family rift.