Huge gold nugget called the Prince of Wales sales at auction for over £20,000

A HUGE gold nugget known as the Prince of Wales has sold at auction for more than £20,000.

Kerry Thackwell, 62, found the “monstrous” 30g treasure while prospecting with his dad in 1979.

A huge gold nugget known as the Prince of Wales has sold at auction for more than £20,000

Kerry Thackwell found the ‘monstrous’ 30g treasure while prospecting with his dad in 1979

It has sat untouched in a bank vault ever since.

Kerry said: “We knew straight away we’d found something special. It looked monstrous.

“I suppose I kept it for sentimental reasons.”

It is a pink-orange gold, squeezed up through the earth with copper deposits, only found in Wales.

Kerry said: ‘We knew straight away we’d found something special. It looked monstrous’

The nugget is the largest recorded in Wales and was found 6ft down in the Prince Of Wales mine

The nugget is a pink-orange gold, squeezed up through the earth with copper deposits, only found in Wales

It has now been bought at an auction in Cardiff by family-owned Welsh jewellery company Clogau.

Miner Kerry, of Marlow, Bucks, added: “My father and I are very, very pleased. It’s just mad.

“We both watched the entire sale online and couldn’t believe the price it went for!”