Inside the Queen’s private rooms at Windsor Castle with corgis figurines, family photos & cosy cushions for video calls

THE Queen’s private apartments are usually a rare space she can unwind away from the public eye. 

However, Her Majesty, 94, has given royal fans a sneak peek inside her plush sitting room during lockdown during her high profile video calls – and there’s lots of tiny details to spot. 

The Queen has given fans a sneak peek inside her private sitting room at Windsor Castle during a call to Australia. Pictured are 1. Cushions for comfort, 2. family photos, 3. animal figurines, 4. ornate gold mirror

Typically the comfortable room at Windsor Castle is shut off from the public, and there have only been a handful of photographs taken there. 

But virtual engagements – such as last week’s call with the Governor of South Australia – show how the Queen relaxes in her personal time. 

From family photos to figurines of her beloved corgis, the monarch has certainly made the space her own.

Here’s what we can discover from her recent Zoom and previous looks inside the room…

Cushions for comfort during Zoom calls

During last week’s call to Australia, the Queen was seen in a wooden dining chair – and there were a few padded cushions added for comfort.

This could also be to give the 5ft 4in monarch a little more height to be level with her Apple Mac computer screen.

The screen has been placed on a wooden writing table, with a layer of red felt on top for protection against wear and tear.

Personal snaps

The Queen has placed a number of personal framed photographs on the cabinet against the wall, and a golden ornate mirror is a highlight feature

We saw a different angle of the Queen’s private apartments last summer in a documentary about Princess Anne.

On a cabinet behind the Queen is a sideboard with a number of framed photos, but is difficult to tell who is pictured. 

Often the royal family have photographs from big milestones of their relatives, such as weddings or christenings.

Ornate mirror

The room is comfortable-looking, but there are opulent features that remind you that it is a royal dwelling. 

One of these is the ornate gold mirror that sits above the fireplace.

The huge ornament is located close to one of the windows looking out to the castle courtyard, providing the room with lots of natural light.

Last March, The Queen gave royal fans a sneak peek of a different angle of her Windsor Castle sitting room as she spoke to Boris Johnson

Corgis figurines

Last March, the Palace put out a photo of the Queen having her weekly audience with Prime Minister Boris Johnson via phone call.

In the fascinating shot, Her Majesty can be seen holding a 1970s-style cream corded phone surrounded by figurines of corgis, which are her favourite dogs. 

It’s no surprise the Queen has a number of figurines dedicated to corgis, as she has been a huge fan of the dogs since receiving her first one, called Susan, for her 18th birthday in 1944.

All her subsequent corgis can trace their lineage to Susan, and they have lapped up the kind of treatment normally reserved for a head of state.

Cabbage bowl

There is also a rare - and slightly unusual - bowl which appears to be in the shape of a cabbage leaf
There is also a rare – and slightly unusual – bowl which appears to be in the shape of a cabbage leaf

Also featured in the Queen’s sitting room is a rather peculiar bowl, which appears to be in the shape of a cabbage leaf. 

It is thought to be a rare piece of Wedgwood crockery, and could either be a bowl and plate or a cup and saucer. 

Although it might seem unusual, it could have been a personal gift from Prince Philip, who is said to call the Queen “Cabbage” as a pet name. 

Horse ornaments

On the mantelpiece is an ornate gold clock and two horse statuettes

After dogs, the Queen’s favourite animal is horses, and there is also a tribute to them in her Windsor private quarters. 

On the mantelpiece are two horse statuettes, with the one on the right side of the image depicting Princess Elizabeth on horseback around 1937. 

The second, on the left side, shows a groom bringing a rearing horse under control.

We previously shared inside Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall’s Morning Room including Charles’ favourite family photos and treasured paintings.

 Meanwhile, this is Prince Charles & Camilla’s lavish Clarence House library with Chinese snuff boxes & a portrait of the young Queen.

 And here’s a look inside Prince Charles’ VERY messy office with papers strewn everywhere, photos of Camilla & grandkids’ rainbow art.