Prince Harry and Andrew’s ‘shameful tantrums’ over uniform for Philip’s funeral ‘unhelpful’ for Queen, say experts

PRINCE Harry and Andrew’s “shameful tantrums” over uniform for Prince Philip’s funeral are “unhelpful” for the mourning Queen, say experts.

Royal biographer Angela Levin, says that the Queen has got “much, much more to cope with than deciding on what male family members should wear for her for her adored husband’s funeral.”

Prince Harry, who was stripped of his three honorary military titles, is no longer allowed to wear uniform

The Duke of York told the Queen and senior officials that he wanted to attend his father’s funeral as an Admiral

Former BBC royal correspondent Peter Hunt also shared his disappointment with the princes. He said it was “striking that Andrew thought he could use his father’s funeral to advance his rehabilitation”

In a series of tweets he shared his thoughts on the matter: “Adapt to survive is a mantra that has, once again, served the royals well.

“Now, Harry won’t be the loner in a suit and Andrew won’t wear a uniform with extra lace. His attempts to accelerate his rehabilitation have stuttered.”

Prince Andrew had previously requested that the could dress as an Admiral at his father’s funeral.

He was due to be promoted to Admiral on his 60th birthday last year, but offered to defer the role until he cleared his name and returned to public life.

The 61-year-old prince reportedly told the Queen and senior officials he wished to attend his father’s farewell as an Admiral, The Daily Mail reports.

A source close to The Duke said:  “The Duke of York is very keenly aware of Saturday’s funeral being a moment for the Duke of Edinburgh, HM and the nation. He has neither wish nor intention to distract from that.

“Speculation on what he may or may not wear is just that, speculation, and no matters of this nature have yet been decided upon.

“The Duke of York will do what is appropriate to the circumstances – he remains stepped back from royal duties.”

Harry on the other hand was facing the prospect that he was going to be the only royal at the funeral to not be wearing military uniform after he was stripped of his rank earlier this year.

However, fellow royal expert Robert Johnson, said he hoped that Harry and Andrew would be allowed to wear their military uniforms to the funeral because they were “two guys who have served their Queen and Country on the front line”.

Buckingham Palace announced earlier this week that: “Family will be wearing Morning Coat with medals or Day Dress.


“Members of the Royal Family will not be in military uniform.”

Insiders involved in planning for Saturday’s funeral claim the Queen personally stepped in to suggest all senior male royals wear suits and ties.

A military source told The Celeb Report: “It’s the most eloquent solution to the problem.”

Another source confirmed last night that “current thinking is no uniforms”.

Harry, 36, was stripped of his three military titles when he quit royal duty with wife Meghan.

Royal protocol now means the Duke — who did two tours of Afghanistan with the Blues and Royals — can only wear a suit with medals at royal functions.

Andrew, 61, was made an honorary Vice-Admiral in the Royal Navy in 2015.

He was due to be promoted to Admiral in 2020 to mark his 60th birthday but chose to defer it until he resumes his official duties.

Sources said the Queen stepped in and banned all military dress from Prince Philip’s funeral to spare Harry’s blushes