Prince Harry tells everyone to ‘imagine being a raindrop’ during VERY woke promo to launch Netflix nature doc

PRINCE Harry has urged everyone to “imagine being a raindrop” in a very woke promotional video for the launch of a new Netflix-style platform for environmental documentaries.

The Duke of Sussex, 36, who has recently bought a £11million Californian mansion, spoke of his passion for nature in the video chat with WaterBear‘s CEO Ellen Windemuth and Head of Strategy Sam Sutaria.

Prince Harry has urged everyone to “imagine being a raindrop” in a very woke promotional video

During the chat, Harry urged people to be “like raindrops” in order to “relieve the parched ground”, and said the best way to tackle climate change is with action, not words. 

It is the first time he has appeared publicly since Meghan Markle revealed that the couple had suffered a tragic miscarriage in July, via an emotional open letter to The New York Times last week. 

During his chat, Harry stressed the importance of “putting the dos behind the says” when it comes to climate change. 

He said: “Every single raindrop that falls from the sky relieves the parched ground. 

During the chat, Harry used people to be “like raindrops” in order to “relieve the parched ground”

“What if every single one of us was a raindrop, and if every single one of us cared?

“At the end of the day, nature is our life source… But you can’t uplift, educate and inspire unless there is a form of action that follows.”

He also spoke about his adorable son Archie, now 19 months, and said: “Being in nature is the most healing part of life, I truly believe that’s one reason why it’s there.

“But the moment you become a father, everything really does change because then you start to realise, well, what is the point in bringing a new person into this world when they get to your age and it’s on fire? 

“We can’t steal their future, that’s not the job we’re here for. 

“I’ve always believed that hopefully we can leave the world a better place than when we’ve found it, so I really think we need to take a moment and think well how can we get what we need and have our desire for building without taking from our children and generations to come?”

It is the first time he has appeared publicly since Meghan Markle revealed that the couple had suffered a tragic miscarriage in July

Harry spoke of how becoming a father to son Archie has changed him

Prince Harry also reminisced about his royal tour of South Africa last year with Meghan, and joked that dancing on camera is “his idea of hell” as “everyone laughs at him”.

Harry spoke about how 2020 has been a “universally tough year”, and said that he has found solace in nature, which he believes to be the “most healing part of life”.

He said: “Someone said to me right at the start of the pandemic, ‘It’s almost as though Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms for bad behaviour.”

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