Prince Harry’s acting like some YouTuber with an inflated ego

THE Harry formerly known as “Prince” is said to be a bit miffed. It appears to have come as a nasty ­surprise to him that he’s not going to get to keep his ­military titles.

It’s a surprise, I think, only because Harry is a bit thick. When it comes to IQ, Harry makes Prince Andrew resemble Stephen Hawking. He’s, y’know, a bunch of diamonds short of the full Crown ­Jewels.

Prince Harry seems surprised that he’s not going to get to keep his ­military titles

Harry lost the right to those honorary titles when he left the Royal Family. Now he’s lolling in his 16-bathroom mansion in California. With his very self-important missus, Meghan.

Given that he was performing no royal duties whatsoever and was not, any longer, a real prince, most people thought this was fair enough. But Harry would have wanted his titles.

Why? Because I reckon in his bid to rake in as much moolah as possible from the ­Sussexes’ ludicrous media career, any trappings of royalty help. In reality, the titles mean very little.

Harry is — for the time being — Captain General of the Royal Marines. But if the Marines were about to go on a mission they’d get more useful advice from a speak-your-weight machine than ol’ ginger nut.

He is also Honorary Air Commandant of RAF Honington. Pilots — you can now fly in safety! He won’t be in the control tower any time soon. But they mean a lot to Harry because, as I say, he needs purchasing power.

Without them he’s just a dim carrot-top with a hugely annoying wife. Who would care what he has to say about anything?

He has treated his family, especially his grandmother, abominably.

He gave the Queen next to no warning that he was going to up sticks to “Canada” (ie. Los Angeles). No warning he was effectively leaving the Royal Family.

He treated his family abominably, but any trappings of royalty help in his bid to rake in as much moolah as possible from the ­Sussexes’ ludicrous media career

Overstated sense of his own worth

Since then he and Meghan have simultaneously whined about horrible Press intrusion into their lives and how they wish to be left in peace — while signing whopping deals with TV companies to show their lives in full on Netflix.

And making asinine, cringe-worthy, statements via their blog site. Harry has not behaved with royal ­dignity. He has behaved like a boring YouTube influencer with an overstated sense of his own worth.

The latest news is that the gruesome twosome will be doing a 90-minute interview with another very self-regarding woman, Oprah Winfrey.

You can bet your bottom dollar that Meghan will do a bit of carping about the staid and conservative British Royal Family. More pain for the Queen. But Meghan is a woman in a very great hurry. Rumours are that she would like a political career — good luck, America!

The couple are well in with Hollywood’s liberal elite. They’re also about to have another baby, a sibling for young Archie. Good for them, we all wish them well. That’s a joyous event.

I have the horrible feeling that Harry and Meghan will be too busy blogging and doing interviews to change many nappies. But a retinue of nannies should sort that out.

And so Meghan and Harry can lecture us about “privilege” while the child- rearing is likely going on elsewhere. But that’s not the point. The real issue is that Harry is really no longer a ­member of the British Royal Family. That was his decision. And that means none of the perks should be available to him.

He does not represent any of us. He cannot have his cake and eat it.

Since he left the Royal Family, he and Meghan have whined about horrible Press intrusion but have signed whopping deals to show their lives in full on Netflix

Harry cannot have his cake and eat it

Bottom line on pornos

FORMER Neighbours star Caitlin Stasey has announced that she intends to be a director of porno movies.

But not just any old porno movies.

Neighbours star Caitlin Stasey wants to be a director of porno movies that send a message of ‘female empowerment’

Whatever the intent, it’s basically a heap of s***

These will be filth that sends out a “female empowerment” message, according to Caitlin.

Well, listen up a second.

You can pin as many rainbow badges and women’s rights ­stickers as you like on a compost heap.

But it’s still basically a heap of s***.


PRINCESS Latifa, the daughter of the ruler of Dubai, is apparently being held in captivity and fears for her life.

It’s her dad – that’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum to you, pleb – who has allegedly kept her locked up for three years.

Princess Latifa’s heartfelt message leaked by the BBC, in which she fears for her life, has made people wonder if Dubai is such a nice place after all

Her heartfelt message has been leaked to the BBC. And suddenly people are wondering if Dubai is such a nice place after all.

Well, blow me down. It is a vile slave state where impoverished foreign workers have no rights at all. Nobody has the right to vote.

There is no equality for women, and homosexuality is illegal.

Sorry as I feel for Latifa, she’s the least of it, frankly.


TWO drug smugglers decided it would be a good idea to bring a whole bunch of cocaine over here from Holland.

Their means of transport? A jet ski.

Two drug smugglers thought it would be a good idea to bring cocaine over here from Holland by jet ski, in the middle of winter (stock photo)

Yes, a jet ski to cross 300 miles of some of the most dangerous and freezing waters in the world. In the middle of winter.

I bet they looked at a map and thought: “Hey, it’s only an inch to the ­Netherlands. Shouldn’t take long.”

They both needed to be rescued by coastguards.

I think maybe they’d been sampling a bit too much of their product.


WE’LL find out next week if this is the beginning of the end for lockdown.

Boris Johnson seems determined to release us from our homes. If only gradually.

While Boris Johnson is determined to release us, home-working is a win as employees don’t have to waste time and money on commuting

And he will face quite a bit of opposition. From some of the scientists – who seem to want us to remain doing nothing for an eternity. And, of course, the unions – the teachers still would rather do almost anything other than actually teach.

But there are a few things about lockdown it might be worth keeping. First – home working.

Companies up and down the country are probably realising how much they pay in rent each year. And noticing that the work still gets done when people are at home.

Meanwhile, the employees don’t have to waste time and money on commuting. Standing on a train with their nose rammed into someone’s armpit.

Imagine what freeing up some of those offices would do for our housing shortage?

Hell, maybe we wouldn’t have to pave over most of Cambridgeshire after all. Home working is a win, win, win.


Other stuff from lockdown I’d like to keep? Not hugging people, for one. And still less kissing them on the cheek.

And let’s not go back to having fatuous work meetings where some boring, pompous middle manager struts his stuff for an hour. Oh, and not shaving for days on end.

I may look like one of those dossers you see shouting to himself in an underpass. But I’ve saved loads on razor blades.