Prince William beats Mike Tyson and Jason Statham to be named world’s sexiest bald man

PRINCE William has been named as the world’s sexiest bald man.

The 38-year-old Duke has been described as “sexy” a whopping 17.6million times online in blogs, reports and pages found in Google searches, researchers found.

Prince William has been named the world’s sexiest bald man

Boxing legend Mike Tyson, 54, came second with 8.8million “sexy”, “hot” or “attractive” mentions on the internet.

And 53-year-old Fast & Furious star Jason Statham was in third place, with 7.4million results.

Russian President Vladimir Putin just missed out on a spot in the top ten, with 2.2m results.

Star Trek icon Patrick Stewart got 1.1m ‘sexy’ mentions online.

Baldy Steve Jones, 43, of Hastings, East Sussex, said: “I’ve been bald since I was in my early 30s and I must admit as soon as I lost my hair I suddenly became irresistible to the opposite sex.

Boxing legend Mike Tyson came second with 8.8million mentions on the internet

Fast & Furious star Jason Statham was in third place, with 7.4million results

“It wasn’t something I was expecting, but women do seem to love a slaphead.”

The study was carried out by cosmetic surgery specialists Longevita.

A spokesman said: “There are quite a few bald public figures we can feast our eyes on.”

Action star Bruce Willis finished in eighth place with 3.3million results

Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson had 2.6million results, coming in ninth place

Russian President Vladimir Putin just missed out on a spot in the top ten