Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service

PRINCE William today commemorated Australia and New Zealand’s fallen troops at a dawn service marking Anzac Day.

Hundreds of military personnel and members of the public watched as the Prince of Wales laid a wreath of red poppies and white flowers at Wellington Arch, Hyde Park Corner in London.

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
The Prince of Wales lays a wreath at the Anzac Day dawn service

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
William at the Australia Memorial at Hyde Park Corner in London

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
William commemorating Australia and New Zealand’s fallen troops

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
He wore a red poppy during the service, and bowed briefly to the wreath before standing in silent tribute for a few moments

The message on the wreath read: “In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”

He wore a red poppy during the service, and bowed briefly to the wreath before standing in silent tribute for a few moments.

Hours earlier, his brother Harry was spotted giggling with wife Meghan Markle at a basketball game in Los Angeles.

During this morning’s service, High Commissioner for Australia Stephen Smith and his New Zealand counterpart Phil Goff also laid wreaths.

Digeridoo music was played, as well as The Last Post.

Anzac Day, April 25, marks the anniversary of the start of the First World War Gallipoli landings.

It is a national day of remembrance for Australia and New Zealand.

Thousands of Anzac troops, Australian and New Zealand Army Corps, died alongside British allies in the ill-fated 1915 campaign.

Waves of Allied forces launched an amphibious attack on the strategically important Turkish peninsula, which was key to controlling the Dardanelles straits, the crucial route to the Black Sea and Russia.

But the plan backed by Winston Churchill, then first lord of the admiralty, was flawed and the campaign, which faced a heroic defence by the Turks, led to a stalemate and withdrawal eight months later.

Anzac Day has taken place every year since 1916 and now also stands for all soldiers of those nations involved in military conflict.

The commemorative service is held at dawn, the time of the original landing in Gallipoli.

During the service, Mr Smith also marked the contributions of First Nations people, indigenous Australians and Maori.

He said: “We now take the opportunity on Anzac day to commemorate all Australians and New Zealanders who made a contribution not just in Gallipoli, but throughout those conflicts.

“The day of commemoration has also grown to acknowledge not just the contribution made by those millions of men and women, but also to reflect upon the values and virtues of character of diversity.

“We have grown throughout that period of time, and now come to reflect the values and virtues and characteristics of both Australia and New Zealand.”

William, 40, tweeted following the service: “Remembering Australian and New Zealand soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice.

“Lest we forget.”

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
Hundreds of people observed Anzac Day in central London at sunrise

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
The wreath laid by Prince William

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
Anzac Day now stands for all soldiers of those nations involved in military conflict

Prince William pays his respects to fallen Australian and New Zealand troops at Anzac Day dawn service
Digeridoo music was played, as well as The Last Post