Royal Legend Calls Meghan Markle a Diva and Prince Andrew the Laziest Royal

Royal Legend Calls Meghan Markle a Diva and Prince Andrew the Laziest Royal

Meghan Markle's Diva Qualities

Former BBC Royal Correspondent Jennie Bond has labeled Meghan Markle as having "diva qualities" during her time as a member of the royal family. Bond shared her views on The Celeb Report's Royal Exclusive show, highlighting her feelings towards the Duchess of Sussex.

Prince Andrew's Work Ethic

According to Jennie Bond, Prince Andrew has been deemed the "laziest" royal based on her experience. In contrast, she praised Princess Anne, also known as the Princess Royal, as the hardest working royal, commending her dedication and efficiency.

King Charles is reportedly making efforts to evict Prince Andrew from his residence, Royal Lodge, amidst a stand-off between the two brothers. Andrew, who has been described as a "prisoner of his own pride," is facing challenges as the property requires extensive repairs, estimated at around £400,000 annually.