AT THE age of 95, the Queen still has a tight schedule to adhere to each day, meaning that a good night’s sleep is imperative.
According to experts at, the monarch may actually owe her long life to her active lifestyle and sleep hygiene.

But exactly what is Her Majesty’s bedtime routine and what makes her such a successful sleeper?
We reveal all…
A very fancy nightcap
As part of her sleep routine, the Queen enjoys a glass of champagne before bed.
All holding a royal warrant it is likely that Her Majesty opts for Bollinger, Krug, Lanson or Pol Roger when it comes to her brand of fizz.
While experts say it’s not usually a good idea to consume alcohol ahead of sleep, one small glass may encourage relaxation without disruption to sleep.
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Separate bedrooms
Before his death in April last year, the Queen and Prince Philip famously slept in separate bedrooms.
According to Lady Pamela Hicks – Philip’s cousin – the upper class “always have separate bedrooms”.
Lady Pam made the claim while speaking to Sally Bedell Smith for her biography of the monarch in 2012.
“In England, the upper class always have had separate bedrooms,” she explained.
Not only is it ‘proper’ to sleep separately, but doctors actually recommend it.
Popular TikTok doctor Dr Raj, says: “You should always sleep alone, if the other person moves in their sleep or snores that will stop you getting into the deep stages of sleep your body needs to recharge, affecting sleep quality.”
Set bedtime
An expert at Eachnight says that, “The Queen sleeps 8.5 hours a night, which is well within the healthy sleep range of an adult in the UK, who should be getting 8-9 hours a night, and impressive given the busyness of her schedule throughout her reign.
“To sleep as well as The Queen, you should make sure you go to bed at the same time every night (Her Majesty retires at 11pm), which will train your body to feel automatically sleepy as you approach your designated bedtime, ensuring a better night’s rest”.
Sleep inducing meals
Eating light, protein-filled and regular meals like the monarch is also a good enhancer of sleep.
The Queen is partial to fish and vegetables and reportedly a light breakfast of Special K with fruit, which will give her slow-burn energy and keep her fresh throughout a busy royal schedule, saving sleepiness for bedtime.
The Queen also takes light, daily exercise in the form of walking – a useful method of releasing endorphins, which can lead to a more relaxing night’s sleep.
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Plus a Bake Off winner has revealed how to make the perfect pudding for the Queen’s Jubilee.