The Queen was reportedly ‘insulted’ when Jackie Kennedy was rude about her hairstyle and Buckingham Palace

WHEN it comes to meeting the Queen, it goes without saying that your manners should be impeccable.

However, it seems that Jackie Kennedy chose to ignore this rule during her state visit with JFK in 1961.

Jackie Kennedy reportedly insulted the Queen during her 1961 state visit with JFK

Photographer Cecil Beaton wrote in his diary that the former First Lady of the US had confided in him following her visit, according to the Telegraph.

And she was far from complimentary of the monarch.

Beaton claims that the First Lady was unimpressed by the palace, and insulted the Queen’s dress and hairstyle.

The American writer Gore Vidal previously claimed that Jackie found Her Majesty “pretty heavy going” and felt “resented” by her.

The Former First Lady reportedly insulted the way the Queen dressed as well as her hairstyle

Their meeting was dramatised on the Netflix series The Crown

The reported tensions between the Queen and Jackie were dramatised in series two of the Netflix series The Crown.

In the drama the Queen’s equerry Lord Phunkett says the First Lady described Her Majesty (played by Claire Foy) as “a middle-aged woman so incurious, unintelligent and unremarkable that Britain’s new reduced place in the world was not a surprise but an inevitability”.

The dramatisation also saw her refer to Buckingham Palace as “second rate, dilapidated and sad, like a neglected provincial hotel”.

The comments are not historical fact but have been created by The Crown’s writer Peter Morgan.

In other royal news, we told you how the Queen was caught sneaking home early from an engagement to catch a cricket match.

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