THE Royal Standard flag is flown when The Queen is in residence in one of the Royal Palaces, as well as on the Queen’s car on official journeys and on her aircraft, when grounded.
The Royal Standard represents the Sovereign and the United Kingdom; since the Union of the Crowns in 1603, it has taken various different forms.

What is the Royal Standard flag?
The Royal Standard flag is a flag representing the Sovereign and the United Kingdom, which is flown when The Queen is in residence in one of the Royal Palaces.
In the version of the Standard used today, there are four quarterings – England (three lions passant), in the first and fourth quarters, Scotland, (a lion rampant) in the second, and Ireland (a harp) in the third quarter.
Wales is not represented in the Royal Standard, as its special position as a Principality was recognised by the creation of the Prince of Wales before the incorporation of the quarterings for Scotland and Ireland in the Royal Arms.
Wales is not represented in the Royal Standard, as its special position as a Principality was recognised by the creation of the Prince of Wales long before the incorporation of the quarterings for Scotland and Ireland in the Royal Arms.

In Scotland a different version of the Royal Standard is used, with Scottish arms in the first and fourth quarters and English arms in the second.
Which flag means the Queen is in Buckingham Palace?
The Royal Standard is flown at Buckingham Palace only when the Queen is present.
Unlike the Union flag, the Royal Standard is never flown at half mast, even after the death of a monarch.
If the Union Jack is flown above the palace instead of the Standard, the Queen is elsewhere.
When the Queen goes to Parliament, the Royal Standard flies from Victoria Tower.

Can anyone fly the Royal Standard flag?
According to the Flag Institute, the Royal Standard can only be flown when the Queen is present, and after consultation with the Lord Chamberlain’s Department or the Royal person’s private secretary.
The flag is never hoisted when the Queen is passing in procession.