Apprentice star Linda Plant, 69, lists her age on dating profile as 63

APPRENTICE star Linda Plant appears to have been caught fibbing about her age on a dating app — despite roasting the BBC show’s candidates for lying on their CVs.

The tough-talking businesswoman is one of the interviewers drafted in by Sir Alan Sugar to grill his final five wannabes.

Apprentice star Linda Plant has been caught lying about her age on a dating profile — despite roasting contestants for fibbing on their CVs

Linda’s company profile confirms she was born in January 1952 — making her 69 but her Bumble profile says she is 63

Linda’s company profile confirms she was born in January 1952 — making her 69.

But on a dating profile on Bumble, she has knocked six years off her age to be listed as 63.

Linda is loved by viewers but feared by candidates for her no-nonsense Apprentice interviews.

She recently said: “When I come across as the Queen of Mean, yes, I am mean with Alan’s money.

“There’s £250,000 going into an idea so we have to make sure the investment is as secure as it can be.

“I don’t like waffle and I don’t like bull***t.”

Linda runs a successful property development and interior design company.

In a video tutorial on CVs — posted this year — she told how she advised an applicant: “The first thing you should do is own your age.

“Be proud of your age. You’re 62, you’ve got experience.”

A source said: “It’s ironic that Linda champions the importance of honesty — especially where age is concerned — then fudges her own numbers.”