BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker left grovelling after losing £104k for charity on The Chase celeb special

BBC BREAKFAST’S Dan Walker was left grovelling after losing £104k for charity on The Chase celeb special.

The 44-year-old star apologised to his fellow teammates after he clicked the wrong button and was sent home.

BBC Breakfast’s Dan Walker was left devastated after he pressed the wrong button

Dan appeared on Sunday’s episode and dazzled host Bradley Walsh with his extensive general knowledge.

The newsreader racked up £8,000 after an impressive cash builder round.

When tempted by a higher offer of £104,000 by Chaser Paul Sinha, Dan couldn’t refuse and decided to take the risk.

Shortly after the TV presenter left red-faced after he mistakenly selected the wrong answer relating to the 2019 Oscars.

Bradley Walsh was left shocked at the giant mistake

It read: “In 2019, which Marvel film became the first superhero film to be nominated for the ‘Best Picture’ Oscar?”

Dan was completely thrown by the tricky question, the options were – Avengers: Infinity War, Black Panther, and Spider-Man: Homecoming.

He selected Avengers: Infinity War but immediately clocked on to his mistake, admitting he had pressed the wrong button.

A devastated Dan turned to ITV host Bradley Walsh host and explained: “Do you know what I did there – I meant to put Black Panther.”

The newsreader admitted he had made a massive blunder

Bradley could not believe he had made such a huge mistake as he covered his face with his hands in despair.

Luckily Dan didn’t beat himself up too much, saying: “It’s alright, got to take it as it lies.”

The star was left gutted for his teammates and turned to the other contestants and said: “Sorry gang.”

Chaser Paul Sinha knocked Dan out in the first round

Sadly, Dan didn’t know the answer to the next question, which quizzed him on the origin of the name of the Himalayas.

He was sent home empty-handed but left in good spirits, wishing his teammates good luck for the rest of the compeition.

Before leaving the studio, a defeated Dan said: “I wish you all the best for the final round.”

Bradley was devastated for Dan after he lost a whopping £104k

Remaining contestants Ferne McCann, Ruth Davidson and Mark King were on a roll and managed to beat the Chaser with just seconds to spare.

The trio were chuffed after they bagged £12,000 between them for their chosen charities.

 The Chase continues on Monday at 5pm on ITV.