Groundbreaking Drama
A new BBC drama series titled 'An t-Eilean' (The Island) is set to make history as the UK's first high-end Gaelic drama. The four-part murder mystery features a stellar cast and combines Gaelic dialogue with English for a unique viewing experience.
Star-Studded Cast
Sorcha Groundsell, known for her role in Shetland, leads the cast as Kat Crichton, a Family Liaison Officer investigating a brutal murder on the island of Lewis and Harris. She is joined by Saga Radia as DCI Ahmed Halim and Ian Macrae as Sir Douglas, head of the Maclean family.
Celebrating Gaelic Culture
Groundsell expressed her excitement about the drama, stating, "This feels like a watershed moment for Gaelic." The series aims to showcase the beauty and depth of the Gaelic language and culture while unraveling a gripping mystery.
Exciting Debut
'An t-Eilean' is scheduled to air in early 2025 on BBC ALBA, BBC Four, and iPlayer, offering viewers a unique insight into Gaelic storytelling and heritage. Directed by Tom Sullivan and co-written by Nicholas Osborne and Patsi Mackenzie, the series promises to be a groundbreaking addition to the BBC lineup.
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