Carla Connor in danger as Peter Barlow spirals out of control in Coronation Street

Carla Connor in danger as Peter Barlow spirals out of control in Coronation Street

Carla Connor has been going above and beyond to save the Underworld factory. But she may need to put in more effort into salvaging her marriage as Peter Barlow takes his anger out on her in Coronation Street.

Peter Barlow spirals out of control

He takes his frustration out on Carla. Is their marriage in trouble?

The Weatherfield cabbie portrayed by Chris Gascoyne mowed over Stephen Reid last month, killing him instantly. Initially accused of murdering the treacherous businessman, Peter was eventually cleared of all suspicion.

Unfortunately, his marriage with Carla Connor (played by Alison King) is seemingly headed for the rocks as tensions continue to grow between the pair. This could be due to Peter's shock following Stephen's death as he almost relapsed into alcoholism before his ex Toyah Battersby (Georgia Taylor) offered him help.

Carla Connor in danger as Peter Barlow spirals out of control in Coronation Street

Meanwhile, Carla has remained focused on saving business at the Underworld factory, which was left in a precarious position due to Stephen's schemes, thus neglecting Peter and his distress.

Coming up next week on ITV, Carla tells Beth Tinker (Lisa George) and Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) she’s paid their wages for the last month after struggling to do so in the wake of the loss of the Nippersnapper deal. Carla then makes it clear that if they return to work and complete the order, they’ll be paid for this month as well.

Unfortunately, Beth and Sean aren't ready to comply, suspicious they may never get their wages for their hard work and Carla's frustrated when they say they'll only think about it.

In later scenes, when Sean lets slip that Carla’s had to bung he and Beth extra cash to entice them back to work, Peter lambasts Carla for failing to share her work troubles with him or ever caring what he thinks.

Carla Connor in danger as Peter Barlow spirals out of control in Coronation Street

Carla’s shocked at his outburst but could it be a hint that their marriage is in deep trouble? Will she try to reassure him and include him more in her life?

Chris Gascoyne is due to leave the cobbles in upcoming weeks as he takes on a new role as Captain Hook in The All New Adventures of Peter Pan.

Viewers were firstly convinced that his on-screen alter ego would be sent to prison for Stephen's death. But could he be pushed to leave Weatherfield a heartbroken man as his marriage with Carla collapses? Could they decide to leave the cobbles temporarily together in order to work on their relationship?

Coronation Street airs every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV.

Carla Connor in danger as Peter Barlow spirals out of control in Coronation Street

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