Linda's Downward Spiral
Linda Carter is set to face more trouble in EastEnders as the man she framed for Keanu Taylor's murder uncovers her deceit. Ever since she committed the crime to protect a friend, Linda has been struggling to cope and has turned to alcohol.
Choosing a Scapegoat
In a dramatic turn of events during the Christmas Day special, Linda and 'The Six' agreed to keep quiet about their involvement in Keanu's death and pinned the murder on her brother-in-law, Dean Wicks. Linda saw this as an opportunity for revenge after Dean's past actions.
Dean's Revenge
Although Dean is now behind bars, he knows he was set up and is preparing his own sinister plan. Linda is left shaken when Dean's associate appears at her pub with a troubling proposition, leading her to once again turn to alcohol to cope with the situation.
Public Meltdown
As Linda's anxiety over Dean's upcoming trial grows, she descends further into alcoholism and reaches a breaking point. A public meltdown ensues after she receives blackmail letters, causing her to hysterically accuse patrons at The Vic. Viewers will also be introduced to a mysterious Walford local secretly visiting Dean in jail.