Emmerdale's Dawn Taylor, portrayed by Olivia Bromley, is reeling from the death of her father, Will, on Christmas day. A recent discovery has left her believing that her dad was murdered, and she thinks she knows who is responsible.
Dad's Tragic Death
Will died of a heart attack on Christmas Day, following the exposure of his scheme against his wife, Kim Tate. Despite Kim's efforts to save him, he passed away, leaving Dawn and her family devastated.
Suspicions Arise
An intriguing twist unfolds as Joe Tate, who was involved with Will in some way, covers for Kim with the police and her family. However, Billy's suspicions are piqued after a conversation with Charity, leading him to believe that Joe may have played a role in Will's death.
Viewers' Theories
Viewers are also speculating that Joe may have a heart condition and used medication to harm Will as a form of revenge against Kim. The question remains: Did Joe kill Will?
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