Formerly Bullied Overweight Teen Wins Survival Show by Putting on Weight

Formerly Bullied Overweight Teen Wins Survival Show by Putting on Weight

Tom Williams, once bullied for being overweight as a child, has emerged as the winner of Channel 4's survival show Alone by intentionally gaining weight to improve his chances of survival. Williams, who endured relentless teasing and bullying throughout his school years, has since transformed his life and now runs his own island adventure company.

From victim to victor

Tom Williams, now 40 years old, was once labeled the "fattest kid" at his school. He was subject to constant bullying and struggled academically as a result. But now, Williams has emerged as the champion of Channel 4's survival show Alone, winning £100,000 in the process.

Formerly Bullied Overweight Teen Wins Survival Show by Putting on Weight

A grueling challenge

The UK adaptation of the popular American TV show dropped 11 contestants near the Mackenzie River in Canada's wilderness. They were expected to find shelter, food, and water and sustain themselves for as long as possible in an area inhabited by bears, moose, cougars, and wolves. Williams managed to survive for an impressive 34 days, earning him the title of king survivalist.

Bouncing back from adversity

Williams hopes his win on Alone will inspire other children who are being bullied. Reflecting on his childhood experiences, Williams said, "I’d love to let children who are having a terrible time know that you can blossom in the future." He believes that his own struggles ultimately pushed him to succeed.

Formerly Bullied Overweight Teen Wins Survival Show by Putting on Weight

Putting on the pounds

In preparation for the show, Williams intentionally gained over three stone (42 lbs) in just seven weeks. He knew that maintaining enough calories would be a challenge in the wilderness and wanted to ensure that he wouldn't starve. Williams managed to catch fish and survive on berries and peppermint tea during his time alone in the Canadian wilderness.

The mental challenge

Williams emphasized that surviving in the wilderness is not just a physical challenge but also a mental one. He had to rely on his mental strength to overcome hunger and loneliness. Williams remarked, "Seventy percent of a challenge like that is mental and if you’re not getting enough calories in and constantly hungry, things will start falling apart."

Formerly Bullied Overweight Teen Wins Survival Show by Putting on Weight

Peace and solitude

Despite being separated from his wife and son, Williams never felt lonely on the show. He constantly talked into his camera, comparing it to the volleyball character "Wilson" from the movie Cast Away, which helped him maintain a sense of companionship. Williams also found a sense of peace and clarity in the wilderness, describing it as a "meditative state" and a "euphoria." He believes that more people should embrace the outdoors to combat modern day anxieties.

Inspiring others

Williams hopes his story will inspire children to pursue their passions and not base their worth solely on academic success. He wants young people to understand that they can achieve whatever they want with hard work and determination.

Formerly Bullied Overweight Teen Wins Survival Show by Putting on Weight

Stream the entire series of Alone on Channel 4 now.

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