LOOSE Women star Frankie Bridge has hit back after posting a picture of her dog in a nappy.
The 33-year-old singer and TV star, who appeared on last year’s I’m A Celeb, was accused of not wanting to toilet train her pet.

Frankie Bridge revealed she was under fire for putting a nappy on her dog

The Loose Women star gave the middle finger to her online critics
She reacted after people posted private messages to her on Instagram.
Former Saturdays star Frankie wrote: “Someone is in season and feeling very sorry for herself… I feel you Leia.”
She added: “Just for the people confused in my inbox and assuming I can’t be a**ed to toilet train my dog.”
The star completed the post with an emoji of a hand with its middle finger raised.
Being in season refers to the fertile period of a dog’s cycle when they are able to get pregnant – and can bleed, hence the nappy.
Leia is a Cavapoochon puppy – a cross between a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, a poodle and a bichon frise.
The Bridge family’s newest pet, she was revealed by the former I’m A Celeb star this summer.
Frankie wrote, explaining their dog’s Star Wars-themed name: “
We’ve had a girl!
Meet Leia Bridge
… yes as in Princess Leia…
guess who named her?!
“We are all totally in love… as you can see… she’s slotted right in… Turbo is currently not convinced and wondering when she’s going to go home?!
Turbo is the family’s Maltipoo, who the Loose Women star introduced to her followers on Instagram in January 2021.

Frankie is married to former football star Wayne Bridge

She revealed the newest member of the family in the summer
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