Gail Porter rushed to hospital after fracturing her skull by ‘fainting’ during a ‘fit’ at home

GAIL Porter left fans concerned after revealing she’d suffered a fractured skull as a result of a fit at home.

The 50-year-old showed off a nasty looking bruise to the head on Instagram, telling fans she was struggling to sleep as a result of her injury.

Gail revealed her injury on Instagram

She said: “Sleeping is not too comfortable with a fractured skull!! Don’t have the hand book on comfy sore head sleeps! Hope you’re all sleeping well xxx.”

Her followers rushed to send well wishes and find out more, with one writing: “What happened? Sending hugs.” Gail responded: “Little fit/faint!”

It comes after Gail, who’s mum to daughter Honey, 19, opened up to The Celeb Report about the tough times she’s experienced in her life.

Gail’s world began to crumble in 2004, when she and husband Dan separated after three years of marriage and later divorced.

The following year, she began to lose her hair and TV work dried up – but she doesn’t blame telly execs for their decision not to hire her.

She says: “My hair fell out, I was sectioned, I was put into a secure unit for 28 days, so that’s not the most appealing thing.

“I was not that kind of bubbly, pretty girl that I was in the Nineties. I was a handful, probably. And probably a liability as well, so it was fair enough.”

In 2014 Gail found herself homeless and sleeping rough on a park bench as she couldn’t afford to pay her rent.

She says: “It was six months of utter chaos. It was scary at first. A lot of people judge you, thinking I’d spent loads of money.

“I’d been married and divorced and that’s not cheap.

“Honey was with her father at the time, but we managed to get to see each other.”

Gail, who too part in Celebrity Big Brother in September 2015, added: “I was staying between houses and I got a phone call through a friend and they said would I think about doing Big Brother.

“I said: ‘If it puts a roof over my head I’ll do anything.’”

The presenter recently opened up about the tough times she’s experienced

Gail pictured in 1999

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