Gardeners’ World thrown into chaos by surprise intruder on BBC set who ‘refuses to move’

GARDENERS’ World presenter Adam Frost was caught off guard after an unexpected guest made their way onto the show.

The presenter was attempting to build a window box when his cat Ash managed to escape the house and make his way straight to the BBC Two set.

Adam Frost presenters Gardeners' World on BBC Two
Adam Frost presenters Gardeners’ World on BBC Two

Ash the cat placed himself in the most akward position possible

To make matters worse, the cheeky feline even decided to perch himself on the very box Adam was using to demonstrate with.

The segment began with Adam explaining: “Now, not that people know this but during the winter months, I actually enjoy talking myself in the shade and carving, making things out of timber and stone.

“So this year I came up with an idea for so she winter boxes. So I’m going to show you something.”

Spotting Ash prowling into the shot, he warned viewers: “This might be a little bit awkward because obviously he’s not going to move.”

Trying to remain professional, Adam continued with his presentation, but his attempt to shoo Ash away were unsuccessful.

“It’s a box, it’s got a series of sections in it, you can put a pot in there, quite simply,” he went on.

“Or what I’m going to do is plant each space, and then when something goes over, you can actually tease it out without disturbing everything else.”

It became clear that Adam would have to think on his feet as he was unable to move the box around.

“He’s definitely not going to move so I don’t know quite how we’re going to do it,” he sighed.

In the end, Adam resorted to grabbing Ash and placing him on the floor with some words of encouragement.

“Come on, little fella, right down there. Good boy,” he cooed.

With Ash put in his place, Adam was unable to finish off the demonstration smoothly.

So, you’re gonna need a front, and you’re going to need a back.

“The timber that I’ve used is oak, but you could do this with softwood, paint it and detail it as you want,” Adam added.

“Thickness wise, I’ve gone for two centimetres thick and then the depth of my timber is actually 20 centimetres and that depth is great for the planting but also to put a pot in as well.

“And then the length of this is actually 113 centimetres long, so each compartment is 20 centimetres by 20 centimetres.

“That allows me to put my ends inside my timber, it’s going to be a lot better for timber and actually visually just looks better,” Adam explained.

As he drilled the posts into the ground, he stressed: “So fix it at each end just to hold everything in place.

“Once you’ve got the sides, the back and the base in place the whole thing holds together really well.”

Adding a personal touch, he concluded: “The last little detail which is slightly indulgent, is to carve it, just to create a bit more interest, all the way along.”

Adam went with sage, rosemary, thyme and parsley for his window box, but emphasised that gardeners’ should opt for the herbs they’re most likely to cook with.

He also lined each compartment with horticultural grit to protect the plants for stale water gathering in the bottom.

Gardeners’ World continues on BBC Two on Friday at 9pm.

Adam ended up grabbing the cat and physically removing him from the set

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