Gemma Collins reveals battle with incontinence: "I thought I was dying"

Gemma Collins reveals battle with incontinence: I thought I was dying

Gemma's Shocking Revelation

Gemma Collins, 43, bravely opened up about her secret battle with incontinence, recalling a terrifying moment on a trampoline that left her thinking she was dying.

Embarrassing Moment on the Trampoline

During an appearance on This Morning with Alison Hammond and Dermot O’Leary, Gemma shared how she experienced a sudden and unexpected issue while jumping on a trampoline with her nephew and stepson.

Fear and Embarrassment

Gemma expressed her initial fear and embarrassment as she felt the 'flood gates' open mid-air, leading her to believe she was facing a serious health crisis or even pregnancy complications.

Seeking Help and Finding Solace

Devastated by the experience, Gemma sought help and discovered that many women in the UK face similar challenges with incontinence. Through research and pelvic floor exercises, she has managed to reverse the issue by 95%.

Gemma Collins reveals battle with incontinence: I thought I was dying

Regaining Confidence

Gemma emphasized the importance of addressing the issue and regaining her confidence, highlighting the impact it had on her daily life and activities, such as enjoying holidays without fear.

A Message of Hope

Gemma's story serves as a reminder that incontinence is a common issue that can be addressed with the right approach, offering hope and support to others facing similar challenges.

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