I’m A Celeb fans in hysterics over Phil Tufnell’s very cheeky comment about naked streakers

I’M A Celebrity fans were left giggling out loud after listening to Phil Tufnell recalling his experience of a streaker on the cricket pitch.

The retired England ace was grilled by campmate Janice Dickinson about whether he had ever experienced a naked fan interrupting his game.

I’m A Celeb fans in hysterics over Phil Tufnell’s very cheeky comment about naked streakers
Phil Tufnell left fans in hysterics over his cheeky comment about a female streaker

I’m A Celeb fans in hysterics over Phil Tufnell’s very cheeky comment about naked streakers
Janice Dickinson couldn’t stop laughing as he told the story

Phil, 57, was quick to tell the 68-year-old US model that streakers used to be a frequent occurrence, before recalling one incident in particular.

When asked if any were ever female, he remembered: “Well, the woman did it a Lord’s. Butt naked. Seventies beaver.”

As Carol Vorderman, 62, broke into hysterical laughter, Janice replied: “Oh my goodness!”

Phil continued: “She went up to the members, full tilt like that and did a cartwheel.”

The gang roared with laughter, as 28-year-old Georgia ‘Toff’ Toffolo exclaimed: “I’d die!”

Fans were also left highly amused by Phil’s rather cheeky description of what he had seen on the pitch.

Writing on Twitter, one viewer said: “70’s beaver!!! Loving Phil’s story but more so @carolvorders laugh. HaHa!!”

Another added two ‘crying with laughter’ emojis and simply wrote: “70’s beaver!”

While a third chimed in: “So funny!”

I’m a Celebrity even shared a clip of Phil telling his story on their official Twitter page, writing: “Tuffers remembers the cartwheeling beaver.”

Phil continued his trip down memory lane while chatting in the Telegraph.

He said: “Reliving the old days and reliving the streakers. They don’t allow them anymore. The cameras don’t go on them.

“There are still streakers out there but the cameras aren’t allowed to show them on the telly now.”

While there was plenty of laughter in Monday night’s episode, it ended on a more sour note.

I’m A Celebrity hosts Ant and Dec arrived in camp to deliver the shock news that the stars have to vote who to kick out next via a secret ballot.

It was then revealed that two new campmates would also be entering the South African compound on Tuesday night.

I’m A Celeb fans in hysterics over Phil Tufnell’s very cheeky comment about naked streakers
Carol also laughed hysterically at Phil’s story

I’m A Celeb fans in hysterics over Phil Tufnell’s very cheeky comment about naked streakers
Phil confirmed that streaking is no longer allowed to be shown on TV