Josie Gibson's Ex-Fiancé Claims She Brandished a Machete During Argument

Josie Gibson's Ex-Fiancé Claims She Brandished a Machete During Argument

Shocking Revelation

Plumber Luke Sanwo, the ex-fiancé of I'm A Celeb star Josie Gibson, has come forward with a surprising claim. He alleges that during a heated argument, Gibson picked up a machete. Sanwo admitted that he was shocked and amazed, but did not feel in danger.

Stormy Relationship

Sanwo described his relationship with Gibson as "hot and cold" during their five-year romance. This revelation comes as Gibson is being touted as ITV's next big star after her successful stint as a guest host on This Morning.

Machete Incident

The incident involving the machete occurred shortly before the end of their relationship. Sanwo stated, "She picked up the machete I had in the bedroom. It was about a foot long. She was shouting and angry. I was shocked and amazed but I didn’t feel in danger. I know she didn’t intend me any harm."

Gran's Grudge

Sanwo also shared details about meeting Gibson's grandmother, who he claims had a grudge against him. Gibson's grandmother had a criminal history, including being arrested for possessing a large quantity of cocaine. Sanwo said that she believed he was only with Gibson for her money.

Josie Gibson's Ex-Fiancé Claims She Brandished a Machete During Argument

Rollercoaster Romance

Sanwo revealed that their relationship began in 2011, shortly after Gibson won the 11th series of Big Brother. He recounted their first meeting at a music festival and how they quickly became inseparable. However, their relationship faced challenges, including Gibson's grandmother's disapproval and moments of instability.

Engagement and Moving In

Despite the ups and downs, Sanwo claimed that Gibson suggested they take their relationship to the next level. They moved into a four-bedroom house in Bristol and discussed their future, including the possibility of having children.

The Final Straw

Their relationship took a turn for the worse when Gibson signed up for a TV dating show and began seeing someone else. Sanwo stated that this was the "last straw" for him, and he started seeing someone else as well.

Machete for Barbecues

Regarding the machete incident, Sanwo clarified that they had the machete for cutting chicken for barbecues. He also mentioned that Gibson had accused him of running off with money, but he denied the allegation.

Josie Gibson's Ex-Fiancé Claims She Brandished a Machete During Argument

Moving On

Since their breakup, Gibson has gone on to star in I'm A Celebrity, while Sanwo is now engaged to the mother of his two children. A source close to Gibson claims that Sanwo was disloyal and constantly sold stories about her.

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