JUNIOR Bake Off viewers were all left raging at the same thing tonight.
The remaining mini-bakers took on a Junior Bake Off first tonight – Super Snacks.

As well as making the ultimate waffle sandwich, they also had to create giant versions of their favourite sweet treats.
However, viewers quickly noticed that as the kids worked on their creations, some had a height disadvantage.
One baker in particular – Lola, nine – struggled to get her items in the freezer, which is high up above the fridge.
Taking to Twitter, viewers were annoyed by the situation, with one writing: “Why there’s not a step for the little ones is unfair as accidents happen that don’t need too #juniorbakeoff.”
Another raged: “B******s! Lola can’t help her height. Can you imagine the uproar if in the main show someone short or in a wheelchair was given a height disadvantage of using the equipment like that. You shady b******s.”
A third tweeted: “Someone get a step for that freezer #juniorbakeoff.”
Another agreed, writing: “Couldn’t they provide a little step for the smaller kids to reach the freezer? #JuniorBakeOff.”
Lola didn’t let her height stop her and she safely made it through the challenge and to the next round.
Sadly, the same could not be said for Salma, 13, who didn’t have the best day in the tent and was sent home by the judges.

Junior Bake Off is available on All4.