Line Of Duty acronyms – What do UCO and OCG mean in the BBC drama?

LINE Of Duty is finally back for a sixth series.

The producers pride themselves on the authenticity of the show, which includes using police jargon.

Line Of Duty is littered with police jargon and acronyms

Line Of Duty acronyms and what they mean.

AMIP – Area Major Incident Pool

ANPR – Automatic Number Plate Recognition

ARU – Armed Response Unit

ARV – Armed Response Vehicle

ASP – Assistant Superintendent of Police

ATT – At This Time

B&E – Breaking and entering

BIP – Burglary In Progress

Blue-on-blue – Accidental shooting or injury of a police officer by a colleague

BOP – Breach Of the Peace Brains Department

BTP – British Transport Police

CAD – Computer Aided Dispatch (Room)

CIB – Complaints Investigation Bureau

CID – Criminal Investigation Department

CIS – Crime Information System

CPS – Crown Prosecution Service

CrimInt – Criminal Intelligence

D&D – Drunk and Disorderly

DIC – Drunk In Charge (of a vehicle)

DIP – Drunk In Public

DMV – Dead Motor Vehicle

DPS – Directorate of Professional Standards

DVU – Domestic Violence Unit

ETA – Expected Time of Arrival

FATACC / Fat’Ac – Fatal Accident

FLO – Family Liaison Officer

FME – Forensics Medical Examiner

GBH – Grievous Bodily Harm

Going Up The Road – Refers to Crown Court

HOCR – Home Office Counting Rules

IC – Identification Codes

IC9 – Unknown

ID – Identification

IR – Information Room

IRTC – Injury Road Traffic Collision

IRV – Incident Response Vehicle Job – A crime, especially a robbery

K9 – Dog Unit

Lag – A prison inmate

LEO – Local Enforcement Officer

The show prides itself on its authenticity

LIO – Local Intelligence Officer

M2MP – Full call sign for main set channel for Information Room

MISPER – A missing person

MIT – Major incident team

MOE – Method Of Entry

MP – Metropolitan Police information room (Scotland Yard)

MSS – Message Switching System

NCPA – No Cause for Police Action

NCS – National Crime Squad

NDIU – National Drugs Intelligence Unit

NDP – Notice to Detained Persons

NFA – No Further Action; No Fixed Abode

NIB – National Identification Bureau

NOK – Next Of Kin

OB – Occurrence Book

OCG – Organized Crime Group

OBBO – Observation

OP – Observation Point

PAAOTCO – Please Ask An Officer To Call On

PACE – Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984

PCSO – Police Community Support Officer

PIT – Precision Immobilisation Technique Manoeuvre

POLCOL – Police Collision

POLSA – Police Search Adviser

POLSTA – Police Station

RCU – Road Crime Unit

Fans of the show are eager to discover the identity of H

RTA – Road Traffic Accident

RTC – Road Traffic Collision

SC – Special Constable

SCD – Specialist Crime Directorate

SCG – Serious Crime Group SO – Specialist Operations

SOCA – Serious and Organised Crime Agency

SPG – Special Patrol Group (now abolished)

TADA or TDA – Theft of a motor vehicle. Abbreviation for Taking and Driving Away

TAG – Tactical Aid Group

TC – Traffic Collision

TFU – Tactical Firearms Unit

TOA – Time of Arrival

TSG – Territorial Support Group

TWOC – Illegal removal of a vehicle. Abbreviation of Taking Without Owner’s Consent

UCO – Under Cover Of

U/K – Unknown

VDRS – Vehicle Defects Rectification Scheme

VIN – Vehicle Identification Number

VRN – Vehicle Registration Number

VSS – Victim Support Scheme

WDC – Woman Detective Constable

WDS – Woman Detective Sergeant

WINQ – Warrant Inquiry

WPC – Woman Police Constable

Yard, The – New Scotland Yard

Steve Arnott is a DS, meaning Detective Sargeant

When is Line Of Duty series six on BBC One?

Good news, Line Of Duty returns THIS SUNDAY (March 21, 2021).

You can catch it on BBC One at 9pm.

After it has aired it will be available on the iPlayer.