Line of Duty’s secret criminal boss H could be Vicky McClure’s Kate Fleming, reveals her mum

LINE of Duty’s secret criminal boss ‘H’ could be Vicky McClure’s Kate Fleming, her mum has revealed.

Vicky, 37, has played the Detective Inspector in all six series of the hit BBC crime drama.

Vicky McClure’s mum thinks her daughter’s character could be ‘H’ in Line of Duty

Sunday night will see the sixth series reach a dramatic conclusion, with fans hoping they will finally learn who the mysterious ‘H’ is.

One person who is particularly keen to know is Vicky’s mum Carol, who is a big fan of the show but insists she has no idea who ‘H’ could be.

Speaking to the Sunday Mirror, she said: “We don’t know anything, 100% not.

“We don’t know who H is, absolutely not, she’s keeping that in the bag!

Vicky has played Kate Fleming since series one

Series six will reach a dramatic conclusion on Sunday night

“Who knows? My daughter’s lovely but it could be her, it could be anybody.”

She continued: “We love it and watch it like everybody else and it will be just as much of a surprise for us. We wouldn’t want to be in a position to know.”

One person who does know however, is actor Craig Parkinson, who played Matthew ‘Dot’ Cottan until series three.

Craig warned the season six finale will “frustrate fans” and “break hearts”.

Vicky’s mum Carol is a big fan of the show

Speaking on the Dermot O’Leary’s BBC Radio 2 show, Craig revealed what fans can expect from the series finale without giving away any spoilers.

When asked by host Dermot if viewers were “in for a belter”, actor Craig shared: “I think it’s gonna shock people.

“I think people are going to be frustrated, it’s exhilarating, it’s exciting… these aren’t soundbites, I’ve seen it four times, honestly, and it really stands up to repeat viewing.”

Line of Duty airs on Sunday, May 2 at 9pm on BBC One.