Love Island Drama: Grace Upset as Joey Gets Stolen by Bombshell

Love Island Drama: Grace Upset as Joey Gets Stolen by Bombshell

Love Island Fans Call Out Joey Essex for 'Acting'

In a dramatic turn of events on Love Island, fans accused Joey Essex of putting on an act after bombshell Jessy stole him from Grace. Tensions were high between Joey and Grace as he became interested in the new islander.

Surprise Steal at the Firepit

During a gathering at the firepit, bombshells Jessy and Trey were tasked with choosing a girl and boy to 'steal' from the other islanders. To Grace's dismay, Jessy selected Joey, leaving him stunned. Fans were quick to point out Joey's seemingly scripted reaction, questioning why he appeared shocked when he had been showing interest in Jessy.

Controversial Reactions

Viewers took to social media to express their disbelief at Joey's behavior, with some suggesting that his actions on the show were affecting his reputation. Grace, feeling confused by Joey's response, voiced her concerns in the beach hut, highlighting the misalignment between his words and actions.

Whispers on the Terrace

After sneaking off to the terrace, Joey and Jessy were caught by Grace, Uma, and Matilda, prompting a tense moment. Despite the drama, Joey expressed his happiness at being picked by Jessy and sealed the moment with a kiss, further fueling accusations of 'acting' from fans.

Love Island Drama: Grace Upset as Joey Gets Stolen by Bombshell