Nigel Farage Leaves Viewers Shocked as he Strips off on I'm A Celebrity

Nigel Farage Leaves Viewers Shocked as he Strips off on I'm A Celebrity

Josie Gibson Swoons over Farage's Body

Nigel Farage, the former UK politician, caused a stir among I'm A Celebrity viewers as he once again stripped off during the camp's sunbathing session. But it wasn't just the viewers who were taken aback - Josie Gibson couldn't resist swooning over his physique.

Josie Gibson's Reaction

As Nigel joined the sunbathing session, Josie exclaimed, "Cor Nige, look at that bod, it's coming on. All those water runs. Two more weeks in here and I reckon you could have a six pack."

Fred's Medallion Idea

Fred, another contestant, couldn't help but comment on Nigel's sunbathing routine. He suggested, "Nigel, you are also taking the sun. Got sunglasses, taking the sun, hairy chest out, all you need is a medallion around your chest. Nigel, you could have a medallion with a B - Brexit. Gold, with diamonds."

The Nipple Piercing Rumor

Things took a humorous turn when Fred asked Marvin if Nigel had a nipple piercing. Marvin then shouted over to Nigel, asking if he indeed had a nipple piercing. Nigel, laughing, responded, "What are you talking about? Of course I f***ing haven't."

Nigel Farage Leaves Viewers Shocked as he Strips off on I'm A Celebrity

Danielle's Joke

Danielle, another contestant, jumped in on the fun and joked, "Nige, I would love it if you have your nipple pierced... There's a piercing shop near us when we go back." Nigel, still laughing, replied, "I'm not bloody going!"