Our Yorkshire Farm’s Amanda Owen shrieks at husband Clive after major faux pas

OUR YORKSHIRE Farm Amanda Owen was left shrieking at her husband Clive as they worked to prepare for the arrival of twin calves.

The fiery shepherdess was not impressed when her husband SAT on one of their pregnant cows.

Amanda Owen and her husband Clive are the stars of Our Yorkshire Farm

The pair star in the Channel 5 reality show alongside their nine children and were seen in last week’s episode making sure the animals were comfortable.

In scenes which were filmed over the Christmas period, Clive, 66, explained: “We like them to calve from September onwards really.

“But here we are at Christmas and we still have a lot of them to calve.

“There are still 20 cows to calve and there are nine calves at the moment.”

Amanda shouted as Clive sat on one of her pregnant cows

The prize cow, called Lily-May, was pregnant with twins

The farmer did not seem fazed by her concern

Amanda, 46, added: “We’re not quite halfway there yet.

“Of course, Lily-May is due in the next week or so. We’re hoping for a lovely calf out of her.

“She’s never calved before, she’s just a young cow.”

The pair were joined by their youngest daughter Nancy, four, who enquired whether the cow was having a baby.

The couple have nine children together

Their youngest daughter is four-year-old Nancy

And as Clive started to explain the situation, he sat on the pregnant cow and said: “So this is Lily-May…”

But it wasn’t long before Amanda cried out: “My cow! You’re sat on my cow!”

And as Amanda tried to answer her daughter’s questions, her husband seemed unfazed by his wife’s concerns.

Amanda explained: “They [the cows] usually have one, one every year.

“We don’t often get twins. It’s been a long time since we had any twin calves.”

She later admitted her concerns about the pending birth: “You hope that it’ll all go smoothly but the most precarious point, things can go wrong.

“So, we will be keeping an extra close eye on Lily-May.”

Lily-May went on to go over her due date by five days before struggling with a breech birth where both calves came out feet first.

The reality star said afterwards as she checked on the cow and her babies: “It was a bit of a struggle. There was a point where we thought we weren’t going to get the calves out alive.

“But, fortunately, with the help of two vets, she’s made it.”

Our Yorkshire Farm airs on Tuesday, Channel 5 at 9pm.

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