Piers Morgan furiously slams ‘dithering’ Boris Johnson after PM said he did ‘everything he could’ amid Covid pandemic

PIERS Morgan furiously lashed out at “dithering” Boris Johnson today over the Covid pandemic after the Prime Minister insisted he’d done “everything he could”.

The 55-year-old star slammed the politician’s comments as he kicked off Good Morning Britain, insisting that he “needs to admit” that he handled things badly.

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Piers kicked off today’s GMB with an epic rant against Boris Johnson

The host’s epic rant was triggered after it was announced yesterday that the UK’s coronavirus death toll had passed 100,000.

Piers told viewers: “What a grim milestone, this is just the official figure – this is just the one the government is prepared to admit to – the actual number of excess deaths connected to Covid are significantly higher.

“Boris Johnson is ‘really sorry’ that 100,000 people have died – worst death toll in the world over the seven day average and fifth highest in the world, bearing in mind the countries ahead of us are massively bigger.

“It’s shameful, and the PM is ‘really sorry’, he bowed his head and said all the right things and empathy is fine, but what is he sorry for? Is he sorry for any of the actions he did? Because judging by what he said, no he’s not.

He said that the PM needed to take responsibility for the UK’s ‘grim’ death toll

“He’s not actually sorry for anything he’s done wrong: ‘We did everything we could have done and will continue to do everything we can’ – that’s not an admission of doing anything wrong, and yet the obvious conclusion from this horrible milestone is that he did a lot of things wrong and I want to hear the government admitting it.”

Piers and co-host Susanna Reid then reeled off a list of things that they believe the government did wrong, including being late to lockdown, not banning mass gatherings, being slow to PPE, and only preparing for a flu pandemic.

Piers slammed the government for pursuing herd immunity, launching a testing system that “didn’t work”, and sending elderly people from hospital to care homes without testing them – “creating another epidemic”.

The star continued: “Through the summer, what did we do? Eat Out To Help Out, what did it do? It excited the virus again – had millions of people crammed into a small place.”

He branded the PM’s behaviour ‘shameful’ and ‘dithering’

Susanna added: “We ignored the advice of a circuit breaker and were late on lockdown in November, which wasn’t a strict lockdown at all, then at the end the government announced that come Christmas we can all have a party.”

Piers raged: “Every single step of the way Boris Johnson has been too late and too dithering and too keen to please – listening to too many idiots telling him: ‘Don’t you dare lock down, we can control the virus’.”

They then showed a clip of the PM from March last year where he boasted about shaking the hands of people in hospital with coronavirus.

Boris Johnson addressed the nation yesterday

Piers sniped: “This is on March 3rd, that was the PM of our country who had at that stage missed five COBRA meetings to deal with domestic issues relating to the end of his marriage, and his engagement, and his baby, and all the other things that go around with Boris in his private life.

“We did absolutely nothing to prepare this country.”

Yesterday, the Prime Minister said the UK’s huge death toll “exhausts the thesaurus of misery” and represents “an appalling and tragic loss of life”.

He vowed to take “full responsibility” for the decisions made by the Government throughout the pandemic, adding: “We did everything we could to minimise suffering and minimise loss of life in this pandemic, I am deeply sorry for every life lost.”

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