Ranvir Singh Missing from Good Morning Britain after Holocaust Report Backlash

Ranvir Singh Missing from Good Morning Britain after Holocaust Report Backlash

Ranvir Singh's Absence

Ranvir Singh was missing from Good Morning Britain today following backlash over her report on the Holocaust. The presenter, 47, was forced to apologise yesterday for failing to mention Jews as she listed the targeted groups of victims murdered at the hands of Nazi Germany.

Charlotte Hawkins Steps In

Charlotte Hawkins, 49, was seen on-screen today instead as she read the news bulletins for breakfast show viewers. The error was made during the ITV show's coverage of the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau on Monday.

Apology and Criticism

Good Morning Britain came under fire over the incident on Monday by the Campaign Against Antisemitism. While listing the victims of the death camps, Ms Singh included a number of targeted groups, but not those of the Jewish faith.

Apology and Response

In an apology issued a day after the report was aired, Ms Singh said: "In yesterday’s news, when we reported on the memorial events in Auschwitz, we said six million people were killed in the Holocaust but crucially failed to say they were Jewish. That was our mistake, which we apologise for."

Ranvir Singh Missing from Good Morning Britain after Holocaust Report Backlash

ITV's Response

In a statement, ITV added: "In our studio introduction to the report on the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz we failed to acknowledge the Jewish community which we have since apologised for live on air in today’s programme. Holocaust Memorial Day celebrates the closing of the Nazis' biggest death camp by Allied forces on January 27, 1945."

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