Sarah Lancashire Reveals Struggle with Menopause Symptoms

Sarah Lancashire Reveals Struggle with Menopause Symptoms

Sarah Lancashire Reveals Struggle with Menopause Symptoms Actress discusses the challenges of dealing with hot flushes and brain fog Sarah Lancashire, known for her role in the hit show Happy Valley, recently opened up about her experience with menopause, describing it as the "most terrible" menopause she's ever had to endure. The 58-year-old actress revealed that she has been dealing with intense hot flushes, as well as brain fog, which can make it difficult to focus and remember things. Overcoming Brain Fog - Challenges of Menopause In a recent interview, Lancashire shared a relatable incident where she found herself standing in a supermarket aisle, unable to remember why she was there. She explained, "It just comes over you all of a sudden." Brain fog is a common symptom of menopause that many women experience, often causing forgetfulness and a lack of mental clarity. Award-Winning Amidst the Struggle Last week, Lancashire won two categories at the National Television Awards, with Happy Valley also taking home an award. Despite her success, the actress humorously revealed that she needed two fans to stay cool inside London's O2 Arena. She was so determined not to be caught on camera with her fans that she brought a friend to alert her if the cameras were about to pan in her direction. Reflections on the Surprise Win After her victorious night, Lancashire spoke to The Celeb Report and expressed her shock at winning. She admitted, "I'm shell shocked, I'm absolutely shell-shocked and almost speechless." It seems that the actress is not only dealing with the challenges of menopause but also unexpected achievements.

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