Springwatch’s Megan McCubbin addresses criticism over ‘inappropriate’ comments on BBC program

Springwatch’s Megan McCubbin addresses criticism over ‘inappropriate’ comments on BBC program

Megan McCubbin's Response

Megan McCubbin has responded to criticism from Springwatch fans regarding an 'inappropriate' comment she made on the show.

On-Air Incident

The presenter and zoologist faced backlash while hosting the popular wildlife program earlier this month.

Controversial Beaver Comment

During a live segment, Megan's playful remark about beavers stirred anger among Springwatch viewers watching at home.

Defending Her Actions

Megan, 28, clarified that the innuendo was unintentional and that the excitement was purely about observing wildlife.

Springwatch’s Megan McCubbin addresses criticism over ‘inappropriate’ comments on BBC program

Future of Springwatch

As the latest season of Springwatch concluded, Chris Packham and Michaela Strachan hinted at the return of Winterwatch in January and another season of Springwatch in 2025.

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