Steve McDonald Faces Betrayal in Coronation Street

Steve McDonald Faces Betrayal in Coronation Street

Steve McDonald's Tough Betrayal

Upcoming Coronation Street scenes reveal that Steve McDonald is set to face a tough betrayal after being betrayed by his mate Tim and Sally.

Steve's Unlucky Love Life

Throughout his 35-year tenure on the cobbles, Steve has been portrayed as unlucky-in-love, having been married a total of five times.

Tracy's Betrayal and Moving On

Earlier this year, Steve split up with wife Tracy after she had an affair with former footballer Tommy Orpington, leading to their separation.

Steve's Birthday Surprise

Steve's birthday party takes an unexpected turn when he finds out that his best mate Tim and wife Sally are at an event for Tracy's new partner, Tommy Orpington.

Steve McDonald Faces Betrayal in Coronation Street

Steve's Revenge Plan

Steve enlists Tim's help to cover his tracks after an incident at the bust unveiling for Tommy, but things don't go according to plan.

Will Steve Find Lasting Love?

Will Steve be able to find lasting love or is he forever unlucky in the realm of relationships?

Coronation Street airs on ITV1 and is available on ITVX.

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