Teen Mom 2’s Jade Cline sobs in pain after Brazilian butt lift & lipo as she’s covered with bandages in show clip

TEEN Mom 2 star Jade Cline is seen sobbing in pain as she recovers from her Brazilian butt lift & liposuction.

The reality TV star is covered in bandages following her “mommy makeover” which she documents on the new series of Teen Mom 2.

Teen Mom 2’s Jade Cline sobbed in pain after ger Brazilian butt lift & liposuction

In an upcoming episode, fans get a glimpse of her rocky road to recovery.

Groaning Jade is seen crying in the back of a minivan as she’s driven home following her ops.

The star is lying flat on her front, with only a mattress keeping her comfortable.

Her concerned mom Christy asks her: “Is it worse than what you thought?”

Teen Mom 2’s Jade Cline sobs in pain after Brazilian butt lift & lipo as she’s covered with bandages in show clip

Jade’s mom Christy accompanies her home after her surgery

And Jade replies through tears: “Yes, yes!”

Last week, the mom-of-one admitted she “still feels a little sore in some spots” following the procedure, which she had done in Miami.

Jade told Pop Culture that she pushed herself a little too hard in her recovery as she looked after three-year-old Kloie at home.

“It was a hard experience, it was a hard journey,” she explained, adding that she was “so vulnerable” at “the worst points” of the surgery journey.

Jade was recently accused of using photoshop and “looking so different” after posting a glam selfie on social media.

Jade got a Brazilian butt lift

Fans slammed her for looking like she had photoshopped her pictures

The reality star, who underwent Brazilian butt lift in January, shared a sultry selfie with her 542k Instagram followers. 

The image of the Teen Mom shared to Reddit attracted a lot of attention with many users saying they felt she looked “so different.”

One wrote scathingly underneath: “If you’re gonna use snap filters on your pics, at least use the same one every time.”

“She looks different in every photo I see of her,” blasted another, as a third said: “Photoshop 1579 of Jade.”

Jade flew to Miami to get the Brazilian butt lift, which involves taking fat from elsewhere on the body and injecting it into the butt.

“I saw so many people I knew that were having BBLs, and I was so impressed and astonished at the shapes of their bodies,” she explained on her podcast, Jay & Kay Unfiltered.

She described the surgery as being “painful” and claimed it took some “unexpected turns.”

She said: “It was 10 times worse than child birth. Everyone is different, but I know that my body definitely had a hard time recovering.”