Teen Mom Chelsea Houska shares sweet video of tween daughter Aubree, 11, kissing and hugging baby sister Walker

TEEN Mom Chelsea Houska posted a sweet video of her tween daughter Aubree, 11, kissing and hugging her baby sister Walker.

Aubree is actually preparing to enter 6th grade after growing up on the MTV show.

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Teen Mom Chelsea Houska posted a sweet video of her tween daughter Aubree, 11, kissing and hugging her baby sister Walker

Aubree is actually preparing to enter 6th grade after growing up on the MTV show

Chelsea shared a boomerang video of Aubree holding Walker and kissing her cheek.

The five-mon-old was all smiles in the arms of her big sis.

Chelsea also recently shared a cute video in her Instagram stories of Aubree playing with Walker, while she was laying on a mat.

Aubree tickled the little one’s belly and made her laugh.

Yesterday, fans took to Reddit to share a screenshot from Chelsea’s story of her daughter Aubree, 11.

The pre-teen gave the camera a big smile as she wore a white and blue striped top and her hair back in braids.

Chelsea, 29, captioned her shot: “Heading to 6th-grade pictures.”

Last month, Chelsea shared another cute video of her daughter Aubree looking all grown as she danced in a pair of sunglasses.

The ex-reality star’s daughter looked all-grown-up and much different from her early days on the network.

Chelsea captioned her clip: “Bestie,” as she enjoyed a day out with her oldest child.

A fan asked Chelsea in her Instagram Stories: “Would you and Cole ever do your own show? #downwiththedobers”

She responded: “We would never do anything that, like, discussed our kids’ personal lives ever again.

“But I think we’d be open to doing something else if the opportunity presented itself.”

Chelsea recently admitted she doesn’t miss the MTV series that launched her into fame.

Back in November, the mother of four confirmed she was hanging up her MTV badge for good.

A source would later tell The Ashley that Chelsea’s exit had plenty to do with her 11-year-old daughter.

The insider told the outlet: “Chelsea was becoming more and more concerned about Aubree being on-camera, now that she’s older.

“She always knew she would leave the show once Aubree reached a certain age. She didn’t want her to go through puberty on-camera and be subjected to hurtful and sometimes creepy comments from viewers.”

The former Teen Mom 2 star is also the mother to son Watson, four, and daughter Layne, two, with husband Cole DeBoer.

Chelsea, 29, captioned her shot: ‘Heading to 6th-grade pictures’
Teen Mom 2 alum Chelsea Houska's oldest daughter Aubree looked so grown-up in sweet video with sister Walker, five months
Last month, Chelsea shared another cute video of her daughter Aubree looking all grown as she danced in a pair of sunglasses

Viewers saw her raise Aubree, butt heads with her baby daddy Adam Lind, and eventually marry Cole DeBoer before welcoming Layne, Watson and Walker
The former Teen Mom 2 star is also the mother to son Watson, four, and daughter Layne, two, with husband Cole DeBoer