Teen Mom Jenelle Evans reveals she and husband David Eason ‘block’ and ‘ignore’ trolls as they continue to receive hate

TEEN Mom 2 alum Jenelle Evans revealed she and husband David Eason “block” and “ignore” trolls.

The 29-year-old opened up about how she tuned out her critics as the controversial couple continue to receive hate.

Jenelle revealed that she and David ‘block’ and ‘ignore’ trolls

The couple regularly receive backlash online

On Friday, Jenelle posted a video on TikTok in which a fan asked how “David deals with all the hate.”

The fired MTV star answered: “Well, there’s this awesome thing called filtered comments. If you guys put in ‘trigger’ words or words you don’t want on your comments section, TikTok will flag them for you.

“So that helps a lot, but also we block people all the time and I think it’s best to ignore.”

She continued: “And I think David does a lot of ignoring and we stay busy a lot.”

The Teen Mom 2 alum captioned the clip: “Answer to @_.dana.._ FILTERED COMMENTS IS SUCH AN AMAZING FEATURE!”

A fan asked how David deals with his haters

The former reality star said that they like to ‘block’ certain words on social media

Jenelle and David, 33, tied the knot in 2017.

The couple share four-year-old daughter Ensley together, while Jenelle is also the mother to sons Jace, 11, and Kaiser, six.

The pair regularly receive backlash from fans on topics ranging from their political beliefs to their parenting choices.

Recently, Jenelle and David received backlash from the internet for not wearing their seatbelts while driving with their kids.

In a TikTok video, David had a phone in his hand, which should have been on the steering wheel.

Jenelle and David tied the knot in 2017

They were recently slammed for not wearing seatbelts while driving with their kids

Fans also noticed that Ensley and Jace were spotted in the back of the vehicle.  

The caption stated: “That’s my best friend, but she won’t stop moving. Acting like we aren’t BFFs or something #DontMessWithHer.”

Fans rushed to the comments to slam them for being unsafe on the road, as one follower commented: “Ok….no seatbelts….driving while on the phone…no hands on the wheel…really??!”

Another person wrote: “Shouldn’t be on the phone while driving.”

Jenelle is the mother to four children

The former reality star is no stranger to backlash

A third commentator added: “I wish you could see the scenes I’ve seen because of people on the phone. On top of that, no seatbelts?”

Shortly after the video was slammed by fans, Jenelle revealed that David lost his driver’s license.

The Teen Mom 2 alum ranted: “How do you lose a license from unpaid child support?! That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Dave had an unpaid seatbelt ticket.

“In the state of NC, they will SUSPEND your license until you pay your tickets off. So it was never revoked and only suspended for 2 days.”

A troll then remarked: “Oh so now you’re admitting he lost his license.”

Jenelle revealed that David recently lost his license

David’s license trouble go back about a year.

According to a court clerk for Columbus County, North Carolina, David was pulled over for speeding back in July and was found to be driving with a revoked license. 

The ex MTV star was written up for both offenses, while it was not confirmed if David had received his license back. 

David has a history of problems with his license