Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry accused of ‘copying’ Chelsea Houska’s home with her Delaware mansion as she shares updates

TEEN Mom Kailyn Lowry was slammed on social media by her fans as they accused her of “copying” her former co-star Chelsea Houska’s home with her Delaware mansion.

Just a couple of months ago, the reality star, 29, indirectly dissed Chelsea when she was asked about the style of her new home.

Teen Mom Kailyn Lowry was slammed and accused of ‘copying’ her former co-star Chelsea Houska’s home

Kailyn posted on Instagram every step of the design and construction process of her new home

Chelsea, 30, previously described her style as “glam farmhouse,” but Kailyn said she “hates a farmhouse style” and it’s not something she would replicate.

Now, Kailyn decided to take to her Instagram Stories to share every step of the design and construction process of her new home.

However, some Teen Mom 2 fans did not take it well and called her out as one wrote: “Kail is copying Chelsea’s house.”

Another commented: “It all seems so Chelsea inspired.”

Fans asked via Instagram if Kailyn wanted to go with a “farmhouse style” and she said “absolutely not.”


When Chelsea, a mom of four, shared on social media all the updates about her South Dakota home build, Kailyn was not impressed with it.

“I mean no offense to anyone who likes farmhouse but I hate it,” she added.

Chelsea and her husband, Cole DeBoer, previously started Instagram Down Home DeBoers, a new account that shares updates about their South Dakota home.

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Since its launch, Down Home DeBoers has attracted more than 720,000 followers.

Kailyn wanted to follow the same path but seems that MTV producers were not interested in filming her home build, so she hired her own production company to document the journey.

One of the followers commented on her Story asking: “How long before your house is finished?”

The TV star replied with a grimacing face emoji and wrote: “Was supposed to be October-November but we just hit about a 6 week delay due to my ignorance with measurements.”


The star followers know all about Kailyn’s process of building her dream home as she often updates her fans about its progress.

Back in May, Kailyn took to social media to air out some issues she ran into with her Delaware build.

Kailyn realized she made a mistake when she was deciding on the measurements of the rooms for the lower level of her house.

In the middle of the process, she asked the builders to stop because she wanted the living room to be bigger.

She explained: “I just like didn’t think to measure the measurement on my blueprints, and they ended up being the exact same measurements of my current house.


“On paper it looked fine, so I never thought to be like “Measure it out.”

Kailyn continued: “I just thought that on paper it looked so big and I don’t know by like eye-balling what that looks like.”

Some fans were confused as to why she would “eyeball” something as complex as a home construction in the first place.

“Get a damn measuring tape, some blueprints, a banana for scale, something!” one Reddit user wrote.

When the construction was finally done, Kailyn commented on her Instagram Story: “How many tears have been shed over this, happy and sad” adding a relieved emoji at the end of her post.

Kailyn previously shaded Chelsea’s ‘farm-styled home’

Kailyn showed off the progress on her house on Instagram

Kailyn build a new home for herself and her four sons