Teen Mom Mackenzie McKee likes tweet calling Amber Portwood a ‘s***y a** parent’ before insisting she ‘supports’ costar

MACKENZIE McKee liked a tweet calling her costar Amber Portwood a “s***y a** parent”.

The Teen Mom OG star, 26, shaded Amber on social media before insisting she “supports” and “loves” the reality star.

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Mackenzie McKee liked a fan tweet calling Amber Portwood a ‘s***y a** parent’

Mackenzie tweeted on Tuesday: “I’m rooting Amber on every single day.

“Mental health can rob us from who we truly are and is not a joke. Love ya Amber.”

However, the MTV star also liked a fan tweet that read: “Leah [Amber’s daughter] and Bentley [Maci Bookout’s son] are the sweetest little human beings with a s***y a** parent.

“I know the feel man felt it my whole life. I feel for them.”

She shaded Amber after Tuesday’s episode of Teen Mom OG

She liked tweets that called out her costar

She then tweeted her support for Amber

Mackenzie liked another tweet calling out Amber that read: “Leah would cuss you AAAAAALL the way out if she heard you calling Kristina ‘awful.'”

The post was referring to the Teen Mom OG reunion trailer, in which Amber tells her ex Gary Shirley: “Your wife is absolutely horrible.”

Amber, 30, shares a 12-year-old daughter Leah with Gary.

Last month, the Teen Mom star branded Gary’s wife Kristina a “homewrecking w***e” and a “liar” in a furious rant on Instagram Live.

Amber recently hit out at her ex Gary Shirley and his wife Kristina

She called Kristina a ‘homewrecking w***e’

“When you’re a w***e, you’re a w***e. When you’re a homewrecker, you’re a homewrecker. When you’re a liar, you’re a liar,” she said.

“[Leah] respects [Kristina] because she brings her out to Starbucks, gets her nails done and spends over a thousand something dollars of clothing on her.

“Hell, I’d respect her too. I was raised to not spoil my child. Kristina doesn’t do anything for Leah. She doesn’t take care of my daughter.”

She added: “They spoil my daughter. Spoiling a child is horrible. It turns people into absolutely misguided and very delusional people when it comes to the world that we really live in.”

Amber’s daughter Leah, 12, lives with Gary and Kristina

Mackenzie has three children with her husband Josh

Amber lashed out after a Teen Mom OG episode in which Leah said she doesn’t have a “bond” with Amber.

The preteen said Kristina is the one who looks after her and added that all Amber did was “give birth” to her.

Amber also has a two-year-old son James, with her ex Andrew Glennon, who currently has primary custody of the toddler.

Mackenzie, meanwhile, has three children with her husband Josh – Gannon, nine, Jaxie, seven, and Broncs, four.

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