THE Chase star Anne Hegerty left fans baffled as she appeared to turn the air blue with a very rude word.
ITV host Bradley Walsh, 61, had asked contestants a tricky anatomy question which got The Chaser muttering under her breath.

He quizzed: “Which finger has the medical name digitus secundus manus?”
The Chase anchor picked up on I’m A Celeb star Anne‘s hesitation and she explained: “Yeah I wasn’t sure because the thumb is called the pollex, so I thought maybe it doesn’t count as a digitus because it has it’s own name.”
Her explanation came as quiz show fans had flooded Twitter with speculation The Governess had in fact used the word “b******s.”
One giggled as they wrote: “Did you just call a thumb – The B******s?”
Another posted: “Really thought Anne said the thumb was called the b******s.”
A third then quizzed: “Did Anne just say b******s on national television at 5pm?!?!?!”
One then rounded off the confusion with the post: “The thumb is called the b******s? #thechase.”
Indeed, a pollex is described on Oxford Languages as “the innermost digit of a forelimb, especially the thumb in primates.”
Anne wasn’t the only cheeky Chase star to confuse fans and host Bradley.
The Celeb Report recently exclusively revealed how one show star revealed that she uses her bra for storage – with female Chasers Jenny Ryan and Anne giggling as they acknowledged the age-old trick.
Speaking to Bradley before the game, the hopeful said of her hobbies: “I collect litter, I’m a womble… And I collect special stones, I go to the beach.”
The presenter asked: “When you say special stones…”
She then reached into ther bra and pulled out a small heart-shaped pebble – much to his bemusement.
Bradley then exclaimed: “I’ve got to be honest, if I was a lady the last thing I’d be doing is putting stones in my bra.”
But the contestant argues: “You’d be amazed at what goes in a woman’s bra – many women go out and put lots of things in their bra in the evening.”
While Anne and Jenny were shown giggling and nodding, Bradley poked fun at the saucy turn and said to the camera: “Hello, and welcome to Naked Attraction!”