TV naturalist Chris Packham reveals his close encounters with dangerous animals in Africa

TV naturalist Chris Packham reveals his close encounters with dangerous animals in Africa

Escaping an angry baboon

Renowned TV naturalist Chris Packham has shared a harrowing experience from his time working in Africa, where he narrowly escaped a mauling from an angry baboon. The incident occurred in a picnic area when the male monkey confronted him, barking in his face. Packham managed to avoid harm by standing his ground, raising his arms, and shouting at the baboon. He credits his ability to stay calm and not run as the key to his survival, emphasizing that any sudden movements would have resulted in a savage attack. Packham even recalls being able to smell the fear emanating from his own body after the encounter.

A close shave with a young male elephant

In addition to his encounter with the baboon, Packham also shared another heart-stopping incident while photographing a young male elephant. Believing the elephant had left the area, Packham was focused on reviewing the pictures he had taken when he suddenly realized that the elephant was still nearby. Acting quickly, he managed to make it back to the safety of his vehicle just in time, narrowly avoiding what could have been a fatal encounter. Packham's stories serve as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of wildlife and the importance of remaining vigilant in their presence.