University Challenge fans ‘switch off and give up’ – raging ‘awful’ host Amol Rajan has ‘ruined’ show

University Challenge fans ‘switch off and give up’ – raging ‘awful’ host Amol Rajan has ‘ruined’ show

University Challenge viewers have expressed their disappointment with the show's new host, Amol Rajan, with some claiming that he has "ruined" the programme and made them want to "switch off and give up".

Fans criticise Amol Rajan on social media

Viewers of the popular quiz show took to social media to vent their frustrations about the new presenter, Amol Rajan, after he replaced Jeremy Paxman, who helmed the show for 29 years.

University Challenge fans ‘switch off and give up’ – raging ‘awful’ host Amol Rajan has ‘ruined’ show

"Awful" and "unintelligible" hosting

One disgruntled fan wrote on Twitter: "I am so disappointed that after years of enjoying #universitychallenge I am giving it up. Amol Rajan is awful. He speaks way too fast and mumbles way too much. So sad he’s ruined a previously great show."

Another viewer added, "Try and live with the inevitability that he is different to Paxman and remember UC is about the brilliant students and not the presenters."

University Challenge fans ‘switch off and give up’ – raging ‘awful’ host Amol Rajan has ‘ruined’ show

Despite the criticism, there were some viewers who supported Amol Rajan and believed he did a good job hosting the show. One fan commented, "Amol has breathed much needed new life into University Challenge. Long may he continue as host."

Amol Rajan took over from Jeremy Paxman as the host of University Challenge.

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