Black Crowes Rekindle Love Affair with Rock and Roll in New Album

Black Crowes Rekindle Love Affair with Rock and Roll in New Album

Brotherly Reconciliation

The Black Crowes' Chris and Rich Robinson have released a new album titled "Happiness Bastards," symbolizing their reconciliation and newfound harmony.

Rock and Roll Revival

The album is a testament to the brothers' desire to reignite their passion for rock and roll, blending high-octane music with blues, soul, and country influences.

Unfiltered Creativity

"Happiness Bastards" is a raw and refreshing departure from polished pop, featuring breathless, riff-driven tracks alongside richly atmospheric ballads.

Brotherly Dynamic

The Robinson brothers' contrasting personalities complement each other perfectly, creating a dynamic duo that thrives on collaboration and creativity.

Black Crowes Rekindle Love Affair with Rock and Roll in New Album

Return to the Spotlight

After a hiatus, The Black Crowes have returned with a new album, showcasing their unfiltered and unapologetic approach to creating music in today's music landscape.

Special Collaborations

The album features collaborations with breakthrough country singer Lainey Wilson, adding depth and diversity to the band's sound.

Brotherly Love

Chris and Rich Robinson reflect on their rekindled relationship and mutual admiration, embracing their unique talents and contributions to the band.

UK Tour

The Black Crowes are set to tour the UK in May, bringing their revitalized sound and dynamic performances to audiences across the country.

Black Crowes Rekindle Love Affair with Rock and Roll in New Album

Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars

Album release: Tomorrow