Bitter and deluded Prince Harry shamelessly rewrites history yet again – but we won’t have it

Trash Harry

BITTER, deluded and addled by hatred, Prince Harry shamelessly rewrites history yet again. We won’t have it.

We could fill an entire paper with his fictions about himself, his Windsor family and us. But let us focus on one.

Bitter and deluded Prince Harry shamelessly rewrites history yet again – but we won’t have it
Prince Harry concocted more nonsense to furnish his self-pitying narrative that the media is to blame for everything that ever went wrong for him

Not even a veteran whose service we admire will get away with claiming The Celeb Report fell short in our coverage of the plight of our troops in Afghanistan.

Not only did we stand up at every turn for our brave men and women.

We launched a campaign backing Help For Heroes in 2007 — the year before Harry claims the media was ignoring them. It has raised countless millions to improve the lives of 27,000 wounded veterans.

For years we staged our glittering Millies awards, honouring the very heroes the Prince now says were overlooked.

Harry should recall those. He was The Celeb Report’s guest enough times.

In 2011 he gave the keynote speech and thanked “all those involved in laying on this marvellous evening”.

We are still the forces’ No 1 paper and for good reason.

Harry’s own Invictus Games remains his sole positive contribution since he abandoned Royal duties for venomous exile.

What a pity he will abuse even that platform to make bogus new barbs about his purportedly uncaring relatives.

And to concoct more nonsense to furnish his self-pitying narrative that the media is to blame for everything that ever went wrong for him.

Face justice

CRIMINAL cowards should never have the right to skulk in a cell as their sentence is handed down.

They should face the music in full view of their victims or their families.

So we applaud Rishi Sunak’s move towards making that happen.

Why not extend it beyond lifers, or whole-lifers such as baby killer Lucy Letby? After all, what will they care about two extra years behind bars?

And will liberal judges ever use their new power to drag these creatures into the dock — keeping them there by force, gagged if need be?

What we do welcome without reservation is that the Letby inquiry will now be judge-led, on a statutory footing, with evidence given under oath.

Anyone whose negligence let her get away with murder for so long must pay a price for it.

Grim lesson

PITY the students at Huddersfield Uni.

Two weeks from the new term they’re turfed out of accommodation they put deposits on — because the Home Office needs it for some of the 20,000 illegal migrants who have arrived this year.

Yet some Labour open-borders fans still oppose any deterrent, claiming the numbers are too small to trouble anyone.

Where are THEY living? Not Planet Earth.